Diagnostic Description
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Odontodes at tip of snout almost as long as wide, spatulate and with tip round or heart-shaped; first unbranched ray of pectoral fin with long and soft portion equivalent to one fourth to more than half length of hard part; arrector fossae aperture on each side of scapular bridge very wide, equivalent to about one fourth of body width; large naked area around anus; anterior dorsal profile strongly elevated from snout tip to median interorbital region, almost straight to dorsal-fin insertion, and almost parallel to longitudinal body axis; interorbital distance narrow, eye diameter 0.9-1.4 times in interorbital distance (Ref. 47353).
provided by Fishbase
Dorsal soft rays (total): 8; Analsoft rays: 6
provided by Fishbase
Inhabits flat areas of shallow clear waters with low current and sandy and rocky bottom (Ref. 47353).