THALLUS: gray to white, thin to thick, smooth to verrucose
APOTHECIA: rim thalline and well-developed, occ. with inner excipular ring; disc yellowish to pinkish to orangish, often broad, often pruinose
ASCI: thick-walled, K/I+ dark blue, Pertusaria-like
SPORE: 2-8 per ascus, simple, gen. more than 20 µm long, thick-walled (but thinner than Pertusaria and Varicellaria)
Common Name: Saucer Lichens
Gray, crustose lichens with large beautiful saucer or donut-shaped adnate apothecia.
Pertusaria has thicker spore walls (> one sixth the total width of the spore), often in two layers, and less well-developed apothecial margins (apothecia often immersed in thalline warts).
Lecanora has smaller spores and less well-developed apothecial margins.