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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Rose Family
Seed Plants
Rose Family
Chinese Plum
Prunus salicina Lindl.
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have pathogen
Global Biotic Interactions
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Global Biotic Interactions
are host of
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae (Pers.) Dietel 1922
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker 1964
Global Biotic Interactions
Verticillium dahliae Kleb. 1913
Global Biotic Interactions
Leucostoma persoonii (Nitschke) Höhn. 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Schizothyrium jamaicense (E. W. Mason) Rossman 2016
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera pannosa (Wallr.) de Bary 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Lentinus arcularius (Batsch) Zmitr. 2010
Global Biotic Interactions
Grovesinia pyramidalis M. N. Cline, J. L. Crane & S. D. Cline 1983
Global Biotic Interactions
Botrytis prunorum E. E. Ferrada & Latorre 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx 1961
Global Biotic Interactions
Cytospora japonica
Global Biotic Interactions
Nectria cinnabarina (Tode) Fr. 1849
Global Biotic Interactions
Phaeoacremonium minimum (Tul. & C. Tul.) Gramaje, L. Mostert & Crous 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Hymenochaetopsis intricata (Lloyd) S. H. He & Jiao Yang 2016
Global Biotic Interactions
Botrytis prunorum E. E. Ferrada & Latorre 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Phaeoacremonium fraxinopennsylvanicum (T. E. Hinds) Gramaje, L. Mostert & Crous 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Phaeoacremonium fraxinopennsylvanicum (T. E. Hinds) Gramaje, L. Mostert & Crous 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Phaeoacremonium minimum (Tul. & C. Tul.) Gramaje, L. Mostert & Crous 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Polystigma rubrum (Pers.) DC. 1815
Global Biotic Interactions
Oiketicus abbotii
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera prunicola U. Braun 2012
Global Biotic Interactions
Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd 1921
Global Biotic Interactions
Diaporthe amygdali (Delacr.) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Global Biotic Interactions
Satyrium w-album
Global Biotic Interactions
Langia zenzeroides formosana Clark 1936
Global Biotic Interactions
Leucostoma persoonii (Nitschke) Höhn. 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera tridactyla (Wallr.) de Bary 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera tridactyla (Wallr.) de Bary 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc. 1886
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera tridactyla (Wallr.) de Bary 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Cercospora rubrotincta Ellis & Everh. 1887
Global Biotic Interactions
Orgyia postica Walker 1855
Global Biotic Interactions
Caligula japonica
Global Biotic Interactions
Acalitus phloeocoptes
Global Biotic Interactions
Gynnidomorpha vectisana
Global Biotic Interactions
Pestalotiopsis ixorae (Rangel) Bat. & Peres 1966
Global Biotic Interactions
Coniothyrium tirolense Bubák 1904
Global Biotic Interactions
Pestalotiopsis ixorae (Rangel) Bat. & Peres 1966
Global Biotic Interactions
Cryptovalsa ampelina (Nitschke) Fuckel 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Diplodia seriata
Global Biotic Interactions
Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (L.) Th. Fr. (teloschistes lichen)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eutypella citricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary & Löwenthal) G. Arnaud 1918
Global Biotic Interactions
Ascochyta pruni Kabát & Bubák 1908
Global Biotic Interactions
Septobasidium burtii Lloyd 1924
Global Biotic Interactions
Septobasidium acaciae Sawada 1911
Global Biotic Interactions
Septobasidium natalense Couch ex L. D. Gómez & Henk 2004
Global Biotic Interactions
Gloeosporium serotinum
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia japonica Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllosticta congesta Heald & F. A. Wolf 1911
Global Biotic Interactions
Schizothyrium pomi (Mont. & Fr.) Arx 1959
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllosticta congesta Heald & F. A. Wolf 1911
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Lecanora chlarotera Nyl. (rim lichen)
Global Biotic Interactions
Neofusicoccum australe (Slippers, Crous & M. J. Wingf.) Crous, Slippers & A. J. L. Phillips 2006
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllosticta congesta Heald & F. A. Wolf 1911
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Neofusicoccum parvum (Pennycook & Samuels) Crous, Slippers & A. J. L. Phillips 2006
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllosticta congesta Heald & F. A. Wolf 1911
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Neofusicoccum vitifusiforme (Van Niekerk & Crous) Crous, Slippers & A. J. L. Phillips 2006
Global Biotic Interactions
Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx 1961
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia laxa (Aderh. & Ruhland) Honey 1945
Global Biotic Interactions
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc. 1884
Global Biotic Interactions
Gloeodes pomigena (Schwein.) Colby 1920
Global Biotic Interactions
Coriolopsis occidentalis (Klotzsch) Murrill 1905
Global Biotic Interactions
Taphrina communis (Sadeb.) Giesenh. 1895
Global Biotic Interactions
Coryneum foliicola Fuckel 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Taphrina communis (Sadeb.) Giesenh. 1895
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructigena Honey 1945
Global Biotic Interactions
Archips breviplicana Walsingham 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Acleris cristana Denis & Schiffermüller 1775
Global Biotic Interactions
Didymella pomorum (Thüm.) Q. Chen & L. Cai 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Crown Gall)
Global Biotic Interactions
Didymella pomorum (Thüm.) Q. Chen & L. Cai 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Venturia carpophila E. E. Fisher 1961
Global Biotic Interactions
Penicillium corylophilum Dierckx 1901
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptoxyphium fumago
Global Biotic Interactions
Callisto multimaculata
Global Biotic Interactions
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc. 1884
Global Biotic Interactions
Sphaerellopsis filum (Biv.) B. Sutton 1977
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera clandestina (Wallr.) Lév. 1851
Global Biotic Interactions
Venturia carpophila E. E. Fisher 1961
Global Biotic Interactions
Colletotrichum acutatum J. H. Simmonds 1968
Global Biotic Interactions
Stigmina carpophila (Lév.) M. B. Ellis 1959
Global Biotic Interactions
Trametes coccinea (Fr.) Hai J. Li & S. H. He 2014
Global Biotic Interactions
Peyronellaea obtusa (Fuckel) Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley 2010
Global Biotic Interactions
Venturia carpophila E. E. Fisher 1961
Global Biotic Interactions
Neofusicoccum ribis (Slippers, Crous & M. J. Wingf.) Crous, Slippers & A. J. L. Phillips 2006
Global Biotic Interactions
Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.) Pouzar 1959
Global Biotic Interactions
Xanthomonas arboricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Xanthomonas arboricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Xanthomonas arboricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Swammerdamia pyrella de Villers 1789 (Moth)
Global Biotic Interactions
Penicillium italicum Wehmer 1894
Global Biotic Interactions
Corynebacterium aurimucosum
Global Biotic Interactions
Xanthomonas arboricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Xanthomonas arboricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Xanthomonas arboricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Stigmina carpophila (Lév.) M. B. Ellis 1959
Global Biotic Interactions
Capnodium salicinum
Global Biotic Interactions
Xanthomonas arboricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Xanthomonas arboricola
Global Biotic Interactions
Polystigma rubrum (Pers.) DC. 1815
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera clandestina (Wallr.) Lév. 1851
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Septobasidium bogoriense Pat. 1899
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Polystigma rubrum (Pers.) DC. 1815
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
American plum line pattern virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Plum pox virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Plum pox virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Plum pox virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Plum pox virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Selepa celtis Moore 1858
Global Biotic Interactions
Plum pox virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Plum pox virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Plum pox virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Plum pox virus
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Hop stunt
Global Biotic Interactions
Archips ingentanus
Global Biotic Interactions
Anarsia patulella Walker 1864
Global Biotic Interactions
Choristoneura longicellana Walsingham 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Selenia tetralunaria Hüfnagel 1767 (purple thorn)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pandemis heparana Schiffermüller 1776 (Moth)
Global Biotic Interactions
Automeris complicata (Walker 1855)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pandemis dumetana Treitschke 1835
Global Biotic Interactions
Grapholita molesta Busck 1916
Global Biotic Interactions
Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Archips capsigerana Kennel 1901
Global Biotic Interactions
Adoxophyes orana Fischer von Röslerstamm 1834 (summer fruit tortrix)
Global Biotic Interactions
Larerannis filipjevi Wehrli 1935
Global Biotic Interactions
Spilonota ocellana Fabricius 1775 (Moth)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anacamptodes fragilaria Grossbeck 1909
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllonorycter crataegella (Clemens 1859)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb.) Vuill. 1902
Global Biotic Interactions
Aspergillus niger Tiegh. 1867
Global Biotic Interactions
Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy 1762) (Aphid)
Global Biotic Interactions
Inurois fletcheri Inoue 1954
Global Biotic Interactions
Trichothecium roseum (Pers.) Link 1809
Global Biotic Interactions
Cystidia couaggaria Guenée 1858
Global Biotic Interactions
Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy 1762) (Aphid)
Global Biotic Interactions
Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel 1945
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Pestalotiopsis adusta (Ellis & Everh.) Steyaert 1953
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Venturia carpophila E. E. Fisher 1961
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Botrytis cinerea Pers. 1801
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Perenniporia ochroleuca (Berk.) Ryvarden 1972
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera tridactyla (Wallr.) de Bary 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl. 1912
Global Biotic Interactions
Coniochaeta velutina (Fuckel) Cooke 1887
Global Biotic Interactions
Phellinus igniarius (L.) Quél. 1886
Global Biotic Interactions
Colletotrichum nymphaeae (Pass.) Aa 1978
Global Biotic Interactions
Aspergillus awamori Nakaz. 1907
Global Biotic Interactions
Phellinus pomaceus (Pers.) Maire 1933
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.) Pouzar 1959
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary 1884
Global Biotic Interactions
Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul. 1866
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera tridactyla (Wallr.) de Bary 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Phytophthora cambivora
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Phytophthora cactorum
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Armillaria mellea (Vahl) P. Kumm. 1871 (Honey Fungus)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helicobasidium mompa Nobuj. Tanaka 1891
Global Biotic Interactions
Taphrina bullata (Berk.) Tul. 1866
Global Biotic Interactions
Eutypella prunastri (Pers.) Sacc. 1882
Global Biotic Interactions
Schizophyllum commune Fr. 1815 (Splitgill)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helicobasidium mompa Nobuj. Tanaka 1891
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae (Pers.) Dietel 1922
Global Biotic Interactions
Eutypa lata (Pers.) Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosellinia necatrix Berl. ex Prill. 1904 (White root rot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae (Pers.) Dietel 1922
Global Biotic Interactions
Trametes hirsuta (Wulfen) Lloyd 1924
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia laxa (Aderh. & Ruhland) Honey 1945
Global Biotic Interactions
Taphrina pruni (Fuckel) Tul. 1866
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae (Pers.) Dietel 1922
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae (Pers.) Dietel 1922
Global Biotic Interactions
Podosphaera tridactyla (Wallr.) de Bary 1870
Global Biotic Interactions
Apiosporina morbosa (Schwein.) Arx 1954 (black knot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Apiosporina morbosa (Schwein.) Arx 1954 (black knot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Diaporthe amygdali (Delacr.) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Global Biotic Interactions
Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx 1961
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia laxa (Aderh. & Ruhland) Honey 1945
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Didymosphaeria variabile (Riccioni, Damm, Verkley & Crous) Ariyaw. & K. D. Hyde 2014
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Phomopsis velata (Sacc.) Traverso 1906
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Phaeoacremonium minimum (Tul. & C. Tul.) Gramaje, L. Mostert & Crous 2015
Global Biotic Interactions
Phytophthora megasperma
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Botryodiplodia pruni McAlpine 1902
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928
Global Biotic Interactions
Mycosphaerella cerasella Aderh. 1900
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Spencermartinsia viticola (A. J. L. Phillips & J. Luque) A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & Crous 2008
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker 1964
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & M. A. Litv. 1939
Global Biotic Interactions
Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker 1964
Global Biotic Interactions
Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey 1928