Description: Plant specimen in the Kunming Botanical Garden, Kunming, Yunnan, China. Date: 11 August 2011, 00:00:12. Source: Self-photographed. Author: Daderot. Permission(Reusing this file): Public domain.
Description: English: Photographed at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney (Australia) in January. Date: 12 January 2011, 18:42:58. Source: Author: Raffi Kojian. Permission(Reusing this file): See attribution information.
Description: English: Camellia yunnanensis, a species from south-western China that is often seen as a shrub around 1.8 m high, but which can eventually become tree-like and up to 7m tall. Its flowers are large and have very conspicuous stamens. Date: 9 September 2007. Source: Own work Previously published: Author: Hortiphoto.
Description: English: Photographed at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney (Australia) in January. Date: 12 January 2011, 18:38:19. Source: Author: Raffi Kojian. Permission(Reusing this file): See attribution information.
Description: Camellia crapnelliana taken in Shing Mun Arboretum, Hong Kong. Date: 10 July 2007. Source: Own work. Author: Tequila 01:26, 17 July 2007 (UTC).