Image of American bur-reed
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American Bur Reed

Sparganium americanum Nutt.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Sparganium americanum Nutt. Gen. 2 : 203. 1818
Sparganium simplex Wood, Class Book ed. 2. 523. 1847. Not S. simplex Huds. 1778.
Sparganium simplex Nuttallii Bngelm.; A. Gray, Man. ed. 5. 481. 1867.
Sparganium angustifolium Graebner, in Bugler, Pflanzenreich 4™ : 16, in part. 1900. Not 6.
angustifolium Michx. 1803. Sparganium americanum Nuttallii Graebner, loc. cit. as a synonym. 1900. Sparganium Nuttallii Engelm.; Graebner, loc. cit. as a synonym. 1900. Sparganium simplex americanum Farwell, Ann. Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. 6 : 202. 1904.
Perennial, with a rootstock and numerous roots at the base of the stem ; stem stout, 3-7 dm. high ; leaves deep-green, carinate, 3-10 dm. long, 6-12 mm. wide, more or less scarious-margined below ; lower bracts similar, but shorter, ascending, more or less dilated and scarious-margined below ; inflorescence usually simple, all heads sessile or the lower pistillate' ones pedicelled, axillary, the latter sometimes on strict (not geniculate) branches bearing 1-2 staminate heads above ; staminate heads at the end of the stem 3-10 ; fruiting heads 2-2.5 cm. in diameter ; blades of the sepals cuneate-obovate, erose at the apex, gradually tapering into the broad claws; body of the achenes fusiform, brown, dull, 5-6 mm. long, 2-3 mm. thick; stipe 2-3 mm. long; beak 2-3 mm.; stigma oblong.seldom over 1 mm. long; anthers oblong, about 1 mm. long and one fourth as wide.
Type locality : Vicinity of Philadelphia.
Distribution : Bogs and muddy shores, from Nova Scotia to South Carolina, Indian Territory,
bibliographic citation
Percy Wilson, Per Axel Rydberg, Norman Taylor, Nathaniel Lord Britton, John Kunkel Small, George Valentine Nash. 1909. PANDANALES-POALES; TYPHACEAE, SPARGANACEAE, ELODEACEAE, HYDROCHARITACEAE, ZANNICHELLIACEAE, ZOSTERACEAE, CYMODOCEACEAE, NAIADACEAE, LILAEACEAE, SCHEUCHZERIACEAE, ALISMACEAE, BUTOMACEAE, POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora