Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
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Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Oecanthus fultoni mating pair in apple tree. Female is astride the male and feeding at his metanotal glands.
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Oecanthus nigricornis. Drawings of (A) egg punctures in raspberry, (B) longitudinal section of same, (C) egg, (D) projection of egg cap, (E) egg cap. From Fig. 18 in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus nigricornis, drawing of male. From Plate IV, c in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Oecanthus niveus drawing of eggs. (A) egg punctures in apple wood, (B) egg, (C) long egg cap, (D) short egg cap, (E) projection of egg cap. From Fig. 15 in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus niveus, drawing of 5th stage nymph. From Plate III, a in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus niveus, drawing of male. From Plate V, c in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Oecanthus pini drawing of eggs. (A) egg punctures in pine, (B) longitudinal section of same, (C) egg, (D) projection of egg cap, two views of the same structure, (E) egg cap. From Fig. 19 in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus pini, drawing of 5th stage nymph. From Plate IV, a in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus pini, drawing of male. From Plate VI, a in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Oecanthus quadripunctatus drawing of eggs. (A) egg punctures in wild carrot, (B) longitudinal section of same, (C) egg,
(D) projection of egg cap, (E) egg cap. From Fig. 17 in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus quadripunctatus drawing of male. From Plate V, d in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Oecanthus quadripunctatus postcopulatory feeding. The male has kept his forewings raised, exposing the metanotal gland. The female, who has received the male's spermatophore (the small white sphere at the tip of her abdomen), is feeding on the secretions of the gland.