Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Year: 2023. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Microplate. Catalog no.: BIOUG99736-H11. Specimen ID: 17291792. Field no.: GMP#11147. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Year: 2023. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Microplate. Catalog no.: BIOUG99737-C06. Specimen ID: 17315088. Field no.: GMP#11147. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Year: 2023. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Microplate. Catalog no.: BIOUG99737-C11. Specimen ID: 17315093. Field no.: GMP#11147. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Year: 2023. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Microplate. Catalog no.: BIOUG99737-E10. Specimen ID: 17315116. Field no.: GMP#11147. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Year: 2023. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Microplate. Catalog no.: BIOUG99737-G01. Specimen ID: 17315131. Field no.: GMP#11147. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Year: 2023. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Microplate. Catalog no.: BIOUG99770-A07. Specimen ID: 17376295. Field no.: GMP#11151. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2016. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: BIOUG29041-D10. Specimen ID: 7043870. Field no.: GMP#06815. Image quality: 2. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2016. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: BIOUG29244-G03. Specimen ID: 7041694. Field no.: GMP#06906. Image quality: 3. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Lateral. Catalog no.: RMNH.INS.547147. Specimen ID: 6473024. Taxon rep.: Caecilius fuscopterus. Image quality: 3. Aspect ratio: 1.336.
Longitude (deg): -1.8. Latitude (deg): 53.0. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 53° 0' N. Vice county name: Staffs. Vice county no.: 39. Country: England. Stage: Male imago. Identified by: Robert Saville. Comment: "Male, at MV light (5/6 Aug 06)". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.8. Latitude (deg): 53.0. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 53° 0' N. Vice county name: Staffs. Vice county no.: 39. Country: England. Stage: Male imago. Identified by: Robert Saville. Comment: "Male, at MV light (5/6 Aug 06)". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.8. Latitude (deg): 53.0. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 53° 0' N. Vice county name: Staffs. Vice county no.: 39. Country: England. Stage: Male imago. Identified by: Robert Saville. Comment: "Male, at MV light (5/6 Aug 06)". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.8. Latitude (deg): 53.0. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 53° 0' N. Vice county name: Staffs. Vice county no.: 39. Country: England. Stage: Male imago. Identified by: Robert Saville. Comment: "Male, at MV light (5/6 Aug 06)". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.8. Latitude (deg): 53.0. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 53° 0' N. Vice county name: Staffs. Vice county no.: 39. Country: England. Stage: Male imago. Identified by: Robert Saville. Comment: "Male, at MV light (5/6 Aug 06)". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 53.3. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 53° 20' N. Vice county name: South-west Yorks. Vice county no.: 63. Country: England. Stage: Imago. Associated species: Puccinia caricina var. ribesii-pendulae. Identified by: Robert Saville. Comment: on uredia of Puccinia caricina var. ribesii-pendulae. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly enlarged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS400D dSLR and MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 53.3. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 53° 20' N. Vice county name: South-west Yorks. Vice county no.: 63. Country: England. Stage: Imago. Associated species: Puccinia caricina var. ribesii-pendulae. Identified by: Robert Saville. Comment: on uredia of Puccinia caricina var. ribesii-pendulae. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS400D dSLR and MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Found this barklouse on some leaf litter, along with a short-winged individual (female?) to be posted later. This one is a male. Body length is 3mm, length to wing tips about 5 mm.-
BugGuide accountPCCA20081119-7050A1
Found this barklouse on some leaf litter, along with a short-winged individual (female?) to be posted later. This one is a male. Body length is 3mm, length to wing tips about 5 mm.-
BugGuide account
Camin, Veneto, Italy