Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 2.Hyalessa ronshana (male). A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E left foreleg, showing the spines on fore femur F male pygofer, ventral view G male pygofer, lateral view H aedeagus.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 4.Abdominal apex in ventral view of final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata, female B and C Cryptotympana atrata, male D Meimuna mongolica, female E and f Meimuna mongolica, male G Platypleura kaempferi, female H and I Platypleura Kaempferi, male. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Figures 9–17.Empoasca (Empoasca) spiculata Yu & Yang, sp. n. 9 male genital capsule, lateral view 10 male abdominal apodemes 11 male pygofer, dorsal view 12 ventral pygofer appendage, dorsal view 13 subgenital fig, ventral view 14 paramere 15 aedeagus and connective, dorsal view 16 aedeagus, lateral view 17 anal tube process.
Achaetica anbasidis, pygofer, dorsally (INHS)
Mesadorus undatus, dorsal habitus (BMNH)
Xia Gao, Min Huang, Yalin Zhang
Figures 13–22.Parazyginella tiani sp. n. 13 Hindwing 14 Abdominal apodeme 15 Connective 16 Genital capsule, lateral view 17 Apical part of male pygofer 18 Paramere, connective, subgenital plate, ventral view 19 Paramere 20 Subgenital plate 21 Aedeagus, lateral view 22 Aedeagus, posterior view.
Abbas Mol, Unal Zeybekoglu, Basak Akyurek
Figure 1-B.Cicadatra platyptera, mesonotum (scale= 2 mm).
Daniela M. Takiya, Christopher H. Dietrich, Chandra A. Viraktamath
Figures 2–14.Habitus photographs. 2, 3 Chouious tianzeus, dorsal and lateral 4–6 Phlogis sp. from Malaysia, dorsal and details of head lateral and face 7 Phlogis sp. from Thailand, lateral 8, 9 Preta gratiosa, dorsal and lateral 10–12 Signoretia delicata sp. n., detail of head, dorsal, lateral, and frontal 13, 14 Signoretia kintendela sp. n., dorsal and lateral.
Figure 5.Exitianus indicus. A–C subgenital plate, ventral view D valve, ventral view E style, dorsal view F connective, dorsal view G aedeagus, dorsal view.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 3.Hyalessa ronshana (female). A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E fore and hind wings.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 5.Left foreleg of final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata, inner view B Cryptotympana atrata, outer view C Meimuna mongolica, outer view D Platypleura kaempferi, outer view. acf, accessory tooth of femur; apt, apical tooth of tibia; bt, blade of tibia; f, femur; fc, femoral comb; itf, intermediate tooth of femur; pbt, point of blade of tibia; ptf, posterior tooth of femur; t, trochanter; ta, tarsus; ti, tibia. Scale bars = 1.0 mm
Figures 1–8.Empoasca (Empoasca) dorsodenticulata Yu & Yang, sp. n. 1 male genital capsule, lateral view 2 male abdominal apodemes 3 male pygofer, dorsal view 4 ventral pygofer appendage, dorsal view 5 subgenital fig, ventral view 6 paramere and connective 7 aedeagus, dorsal view 8 aedeagus, lateral view.
Acinopterus acuminatus, dorsal habitus (INHS)
Mesadorus undatus, lateral habitus (INHS Homoptera #0875)
Lin Yang, Xiang-Sheng Chen, Zi-Zhong Li
Figures 1–12.Sweta bambusana sp. n. 1 Head and thorax, dorsal view 2 Head, anteroventral view 3 Forewing 4 Hindwing 5 Base of abdomen, ventral view 6 Male genital capsule, lateral view 7 Style, ventral view 8 Style, lateral view 9 Aedeagus, lateral view 10 Aedeagus, dorsal view 11 Aedeagus, ventral view 12 Female abdominal sternite VII, ventral veiw. Scale bars: = 1 mm (Figs 3, 4), 0.5 mm (Figs 1, 2), 0.2 (Figs 5–12)
Abbas Mol, Unal Zeybekoglu, Basak Akyurek
Figure 1-C.Cicadatra platyptera, front fore wing (scale= 2.6 mm).
Daniela M. Takiya, Christopher H. Dietrich, Chandra A. Viraktamath
Figures 15–20.Fore- and hindwing. 15, 16 Phlogis sp. from Thailand. 17, 18 Preta gratiosa. 19, 20 Signoretia aureola.
Figure 6.Exitianus indicus. A–G aedeagus, lateral view A, B (after Ross, 1968)
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 4.Hyalessa batangensis sp. n. (male, holotype). A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E left foreleg, showing the spines on fore femur F male pygofer, ventral view G male pygofer, lateral view H aedeagus.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 6.Spines at the apex of mid and hind tibiae of final instar nymphs. A mid tibia of Cryptotympana atrata B mid tibia of Meimuna mongolica C mid tibia of Platypleura kaempferi D hind tibia of Cryptotympana atrata E hind tibia of Meimuna mongolica F hind tibia of Platypleura Kaempferi. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Figures 18–23.Empoasca (Empoasca) dorsodenticulata Yu & Yang, sp. n. 18–19 whole body 20–21 head and thorax 22 forewing 23 hindwing a dorsal view b lateral view.
Acinopterus acuminatus, lateral habitus (INHS)
Mesadorus undatus, lateral habitus (BMNH)
Lin Yang, Xiang-Sheng Chen, Zi-Zhong Li
Figures 13–16.Sweta bambusana sp. n. 13 Dorsal habitus, holotype from Huishui 14 Lateral habitus, holotype from Huishui 15 Head and thorax, dorsal view 16 Head, anteroventral view.