Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Kingdom=AnimaliaSuperphylum=PanarthropodaPhylum=ArthropodaSubphylum=MandibulataInfraphylum=AtelocerataSuperclass=PanhexapodaClass=InsectaSubclass=DicondyliaInfraclass=PterygotaSuperorder:=CondylognathaOrder=HemipteraSuborder=AuchenorrhynchaInfraorder=CicadomorphaSuperfamily=CicadoideaFamily=CicadidaeSubfamily=CicadinaeGenus= Macrotristria(Stl,1870)Species=extrema(Distant 1892)Binomial name=Macrotristria extrema ID by Prof David Emery david.emery@sydney.edu.auCommon name=Western Whiner
Froggattoides pallidaWhile visiting the Menzies area in October, this unusual shaped cicada came to flap and flop around our feet at night. "Australian Cicadas" by MS Moulds describes it as:"Confined to Western Australia within an area bounded approximately by Carnarvon, Talawana Station, Norseman and Bickly near Perth.There are few specimens in collections, but it is probably a common species on occasions. Adults emerge after heavy rains and have been taken from early October to mid February." All in all a very special Cicada.Photographed 28 Oct 2014Photo: Jean
Froggattoides pallidaWhile visiting the Menzies area in October, this cicada came to flap and flop around our feet at night. "Australian Cicadas" by MS Moulds describes it as:"Confined to Western Australia within an area bounded approximately by Carnarvon, Talawana Station, Norseman and Bickly near Perth.There are few specimens in collections, but it is probably a common species on occasions. Adults emerge after heavy rains and have been taken from early October to mid February." All in all a very special Cicada.Photographed 28 Oct 2014Photo: Fred
Ba-Phalaborwa, Limpopo, South Africa
Ba-Phalaborwa, Limpopo, South Africa
Ba-Phalaborwa, Limpopo, South Africa
Orpen, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Sauveterre, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Camin, Veneto, Italy
Sasso Marconi, Emilia Romagna, Italy
Alcornocales N.P. Andalucia, Spain
Sauveterre, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Sasso Marconi, Emilia Romagna, Italia
Alcornocales N.P. Andalucia, Spain
Camin, Veneto, Italy
Alcornocales N.P. Andalucia, Spain
cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha, in the superfamily Cicadoidea, with large eyes wide apart on the head and usually transparent, well-veined wings. There are about 2,500 species of cicada around the world, and many remain unclassified. Cicadas live in temperate to tropical climates where they are among the most widely recognized of all insects, mainly due to their large size and remarkable acoustic talents. Cicadas are sometimes colloquially called "locusts",[1] although they are unrelated to true locusts, which are a kind of grasshopper. They are also known as "jar flies". Cicadas are related to leafhoppers and spittlebugs.
Alcornocales N.P. Andalucia, Spain
Sauveterre, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Mud tube standing above a deep hole excavated by a cicada nymph. Widespread in the Amazon and usually attributed to F. chlorogena, but it is not clear if there are other species involved.