United States National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Bugwood.org
EOL staff
San Jose Scale (Diaspidiotus perniciosus) adults on Nectarine (Anaheim, California, U.S.A.)From
Ramón A. Dones, Gregory A. Evans
Figure 5. Mycetaspis ailynaomi, habitus of holotype female.
Li-Yun Jiang, Jing Chen1,, Ge-Xia Qiao
Figures 19–30.Chucallis latusigladius Qiao, Jiang & Chen, sp. n. Alate viviparous female: 19 dorsal view of body 20 dorsal view of head 21 antennal segments I–III 22 antennal segments IV–VI 23 ultimate rostral segment 24 dorsal view of abdomen 25 marginal tubercle and seta on abdominal tergite I 26 hind tarsal segments 27 siphunculus 28 cauda 29 anal plate 30 genital plate. Scale bars = 0.10 mm.
Figures 7–12.Megacanthaspis hainanensis Wei & Feng, sp. n., adult female: 7 habitus 8 detail of antenna 9 detail of anterior spiracle 10 dorsal 2-barred duct 11 detail of 2 gland tubercles 12 pygidium.
Figures 1–8.Neonipponaphis pustulosis sp. n. Apterous viviparous female: 1 dorsal view of body, with pustules in left and chaetotaxy in right 2 fine and pointed scattered dorsal seta 3 long, thick, and stiff dorsal seta 4 antenna 5 ultimate rostral segment 6 siphunculus 7 cauda 8 anal plate. Scale bars = 0.10 mm.
Isabelle M. Vea, Rodger A. Gwiazdowski, Benjamin B. Normark
Figure 2.Chionaspis caudata Vea sp. n., adult female.
Xing-Yi Li, Bin Zhang, Xiao-Mei Su, Ge-Xia Qiao
Figures 13–20.Jacksonia gibbera Qiao, Li, Zhang & Su, sp. n. Apterous viviparous female: 13 whole body 14 ventral view of head, antennal tubercles and antennal segments I-II 15 antenna 16 antennal segment VI 17 mesosternal furca 18 ultimate rostral segment 19 detail of abdominal cuticle 20 siphunculus.
Juan-Manuel Nieto Nafría, Milagros-Pilar Mier Durante, Georges Remaudière
Figure 4.A–C Aphidura gallica sp. n. D Aphidura amphorosiphon sp. n. A–B, D apterous viviparous female C alate viviparous femaleA pigmented formB unpigmented form B, D boxes mesosternum with mammariform processes. General scale bars 0.2 mm, boxes scale bar 0.01 mm.
Bin Zhang, Ya-Meng Lou, Ge-Xia Qiao
Figures 36–38.Nigritergaphis crassisetosa sp. n. 36 damaged shoots of host plants 37 pseudo-galls (leaf roll-like) 38 aphids in the pseudo-gall.
Mehmet Bora Kaydan, Zsuzsanna Konczné Benedicty, Éva Szita
Figure 1.Ortheziola hauseri Konczné Benedicty & Kaydan sp. n., holotype, adult female.
Wonhoon Lee, Takashi Kanbe, Shin–ichi Akimoto
Figirue 2.Photographs of Megoura lathyricola sp. n. and host plant: A apterous viviparous female B alate viviparous female C Lathyrus japonicus subsp. japonicus.
Juan M. Nieto Nafría, Roger L. Blackman, Jon H. Martin
Figure 2.Aphidura corsicensis sp. n., apterous viviparous female. A Habitus B Mesosternum with mammariform processes (signalled with arrows).
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
採集者:C. T. Yang[楊仲圖] paratype(副模式標本)
採集者:S. J. Fang[方尚仁] paratype(副模式標本)
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