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Singilis (Singilis) makarovi Anichtchenko 2011


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Length 6.0 mm. Head, pronotum, and legs red-brown. Venter red-brown, except black abdominal sterna. Elytra black, with basal third red-brown (Fig. 6). Head densely punctate, very distinctly microsculptured and pubescent; pubescence as long as on pronotum and elytra, and equal to the width of the sutural elytral interval. Punctures near eyes sometimes almost confluent, on the frons separated by over twice their diameter. Clypeus smooth, very distinctly microsculptured. Eyes large and bulging, with 4–5 long setae at posterior margin. Second supraocular seta located just anterad the posterior margin of eye. Temples very short, smooth. Scape with a very long subapical seta and several more, rather long, setae; pedicel with a band of setae; antennomere III with two bands of apical setae. Antennae pubescent from the basal third of antennomere IV. Pronotum evenly setose, 1.22 times as wide as head, 1.36 times as wide as long, widest near marginal setae. Anterior margin weakly emarginate, anterior angles effaced, sides broadly evenly rounded, sinuate towards posterior angles, which are acute and protrude as minute denticle. Punctation uniform and deep, somewhat shallower than on the head, especially on the disc of pronotum. Lateral margin moderately explanate in basal half only. Posterior pore right in front of angle. Basal grooves shallow, small, punctiform. Pronotal base extended in a rounded median lobe. Furrow fine, not reaching apical and basal margins. Microsculpture as on head. Elytra: All intervals with confused punctation, conspicuous polygonal microsculpture and long, pale pubescence. Apices weakly obliquely sinuate, rounded at suture. Striae deep and crenulate. Intervals almost flat on disc, slightly convex at base and flat towards apex. Scutellum smooth. Tarsomere V with 4–5 pairs of ventral setae. Claws with 5 teeth, of which apical three very long. Prosternum, propleura and mesepisterna smooth. Abdominal sterna pubescent. Aedeagus – Fig. 31. Aedeagal median lobe moderately broad, ventral margin straight nearly to apex. Apex broad, slightly downturned and expanded near broadly rounded tip. Internal sac with big size spines.
Alexander Anichtchenko
bibliographic citation
Anichtchenko A (2011) Review of subtribe Singilina Jeannel, 1949, of the Middle East and Central Asia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini) ZooKeys 155: 1–50
Alexander Anichtchenko
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provided by Zookeys
Alexander Anichtchenko
bibliographic citation
Anichtchenko A (2011) Review of subtribe Singilina Jeannel, 1949, of the Middle East and Central Asia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini) ZooKeys 155: 1–50
Alexander Anichtchenko
visit source
partner site