Figure 4.Distinguishing features of Kunzea ericoides. A Flowering branchlet (ex cult. AK 289138) B Fruiting branchlet (ex cult. AK 289138) C Vegetative bud and branchlet indumentum (ex cult. AK 289138) D Adaxial leaf surface (ex cult. AK 289138) E Abaxial leaf surface (ex cult. AK 289138) F Adaxial leaf apex (ex cult. AK 289138) G Leaf margin indumentum (ex cult. AK 289138) H Leaf variation: (H1) Abel Tasman National Park, Astrolabe Roadstead, (AK 253380), (H2) Knuckle Hill (AK 289160) I Flower (top view) (AK 289138) J Flower and hypanthium (side view) (AK 289138) K Flower cross section showing anther, style and ovules (AK 289138) L Style and stigma (AK 289138) M Stamen (AK 289138) N Dehisced fruit (AK 253380). Scale bars: (A, B, H) 10 mm; (C–F, I–N) 1 mm; (G) 0.5 mm.
Figure 5.Scanning Electron Micrographs of Kunzea ericoides. A–G Branchlet indumentum (AK 253380; AK 289161); Seeds H–K (HR 3766 K Testa surface showing reticulum (CHR 3766). Scale bars: (A, C) 500 μm; (B, D, G, H, J–K) 100 μm; (E, F, I) 1 mm.
Figure 6.Kunzea ericoides. A Kunzea ericoides trees colonising old burn, South Island, north-west Nelson, Abel Tasman National Park, Awapoto River (photo: P. J. de Lange) B Flowering decumbent plant on windswept ridge line, South Island, north-west Nelson, Wakamarama Range, Knuckle Hill (photo: P. J. de Lange) C Young Kunzea ericoides tree, South Island, north-west Nelson, Marahau (photo: P. J. de Lange) D Mature Kunzea ericoides tree, South Island, north-west Nelson, Canaan Downs (photo: G. M. Crowcroft) E Flowering branchlets, South Island, eastern Nelson, Richmond Range, Hackett Creek (photo: G. M. Crowcroft) F Bark, South Island, eastern Nelson, Richmond Range, Hackett Creek (photo: G. M. Crowcroft) G Bark, South Island, north-west Nelson, Canaan Downs (photo: G. M. Crowcroft) H Flowering branchlet showing brachyblasts, leaves and few-flowered corymbiform botrya, South Island, north-west Nelson, Golden Bay, Pupu Springs (photo: M. D. Wilcox) I Close up of flowers, South Island, north-west Nelson, Golden Bay, Bishops Saddle (photo: G. M. Crowcroft).
Figure 7.Distribution of Kunzea ericoides, Kunzea salterae, Kunzea sinclairii, Kunzea tenuicaulis, Kunzea toelkenii, Kunzea triregensis and Kunzea “Lottin Point”.
Figure 21.Holotype of Kunzea salterae (P. J. de Lange 6471 & P. B. Cashmore, AK 289816).
Figure 22.Distinguishing features of Kunzea salterae. A Flowering branchlet (AK 289816) B Vegetative bud and branchlet indumentum (AK 289816) C Adaxial leaf surface (AK 289816) D Abaxial leaf surface (AK 289816) E Adaxial leaf apex (AK 289816) F Leaf margin indumentum (AK 289816) G Leaf variation, all from Moutohora (Whale Island): (G1) (AK 185215), (G2) Boulder Bay (AK 288250), (G3–5) Sulphur Bay (AK 284105, AK 283253, AK 289814), (G6) Summit Hill Saddle (AK 289815), McEwans Bay (AK 289816) H Flower (top view) (AK 289816) I Flower and hypanthium (side view) (AK 289816) J Flower cross section showing anther, style and ovules (AK 289816) K Style and stigma (AK 289816) L Stamens (AK 289816) M Dehisced fruit (AK 289816). Scale bars: (A, G) 10 mm; (B–E, H–M) 1 mm; (F) 0.5 mm.
Figure 23.Scanning Electron Micrographs of Kunzea salterae. (A–E all AK 284105) Branchlet indumentum F–L Seeds (AK 283253, AK 289815) K–L Close up of reticulum showing spines. Scale bars: (A, C, F) 1 mm; (B, E) 500 μm; (D, F–J) 100 μm; (K, L) 50 μm.
Figure 24.Habitats of Kunzea salterae on Moutohora Island (photos: P. B. Cashmore). A Sand dunes and early stage successional forest leading to Summit Hill B Stable sand dunes and early stage forest surrounding Department of Conservation Hut and ride line leading to Summit Hill C Active geothermal vents within Sulphur Valley.
Figure 7.Distribution of Kunzea ericoides, Kunzea salterae, Kunzea sinclairii, Kunzea tenuicaulis, Kunzea toelkenii, Kunzea triregensis and Kunzea “Lottin Point”.
Figure 34.Holotype of Kunzea amathicola de Lange et Toelken (P. J. de Lange 4954, AK 286081).
Figure 35.Distinguishing features of Kunzea amathicola. A Flowering branchlet (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) B Fruiting branchlet (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) C flower (top view) (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) D Flower and hypanthium (side view) (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) E Flower cross section showing anther, style and ovules (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) F Style and stigma (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) G Stamens (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) H Dehisced fruit (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour). Scale bars: (A, B) 10 mm; (C–H) 1 mm.
Figure 36.Distinguishing features of Kunzea amathicola continued (see Fig. 35). I Juvenile foliage (AK 289328) J Adult foliage (AK 289679) K Vegetative bud and branchlet indumentum (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) L Adaxial leaf surface (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) M Abaxial leaf surface (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) N Adaxial leaf apex (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) O Leaf margin indumentum (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) P Leaf variation: (P1) North Island, Hokianga (AK 282676), (P2) North Island, Kaipara (AK 289669), (P3) North Island, Te Toto Gorge (AK 284417), (P4) North Island, Hokio (AK 286079), (P5) North Island, Hokio—last two leaves from a juvenile reversion shoot (AK 289679), (P6) South Island, Farewell Spit (AK 289243), (P7) South Island, Wharariki (AK 286081). Scale bars: (I, J, P) 10 mm; (K, N, L, M) 1 mm; (O) 0.5 mm.
Figure 37.Scanning Electron Micrographs of Kunzea amathicola. (A–E all AK 286079) Branchlet indumentum F–H seeds (AK 289669). Scale bars: (A, C, D, F) 1 mm; (B, E, G–I) 100 μm.
Figure 38.Kunzea amathicola. A Kunzea amathicola forming dominant vegetation on impoverished ‘badlands’ that developed after coal mining operations, South Island, north-west Nelson, Puponga, track to Pillar Light (photo: P. J. de Lange) B Decumbent, permanently juvenile shrubs of Kunzea amathicola growing on hard clays overlying calcareous mudstones on a small islet, South Island, north-west Nelson, Wharariki Beach (photo: M. D. Wilcox) C Adult tree of Kunzea amathicola in full flower, South Island, north-west Nelson, at base of Farewell Spit (photo: G. M. Crowcroft) D–E Bark of Kunzea amathicola, South Island, north-west Nelson, Kaihoka Lakes (photo: P. J. de Lange) F–G Flowering adult Kunzea amathicola branches of holotype at type locality, South Island, north-west Nelson, Puponga Farm Park, Wharariki Beach Road (photo: P. J. de Lange) H Juvenile flowering branches of Kunzea amathicola, on a small islet, South Island, north-west Nelson, Wharariki Beach (photo: M. D. Wilcox) J Kunzea amathicola foliage, North Island, Kaipara Harbour, near Kaukapakapa (photo: P. J. de Lange).
Figure 39.Distribution of Kunzea amathicola.
Figure 9.The first of three most parsimonious trees from the ITS-1 and ITS-2 data set of Passiflora supersection Cieca and outgroups. Numbers above branches are branch lengths. Bootstrap values are given below corresponding branches. Tree length = 590; CI = 0.636; RI = 0.837; RC = 0.532. Names followed by the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, and “e” denote clones of the same individual from a particular locality.
Figure 34.Flower and leaf of Passiflora tenuiloba (MacDougal 227) Scale bar = 6.0 mm. Photo by J. M. MacDougal.
Figure 35.Distribution of Passiflora tenuiloba.
Figure 36.Flower and leaves of Passiflora eglandulosa (MacDougal 6237). a Flower and flower buds. Scale bar = 3 mm b Leaves, stem and flower buds. Scale bar = 3 mm. Photos by J. M. MacDougal.
Figure 37.Distribution of Passiflora eglandulosa.
Figure 38.Flower, immature fruits, and leaves of Passiflora trinifolia a Immature fruits (MacDougal 6223) Scale bar = 10 mm. Photo by J. M. MacDougal b Plant habit (MacDougal 6223) Photo by J. M. MacDougal c Flower (MacDougal 637GR) Scale bar = 5.0 mm. Photo by J. M. MacDougal.
Figure 39.Distribution of Passiflora clypeophylla, Passiflora trinifolia, and Passiflora obtusifolia.
Figure 39.Distribution of Passiflora clypeophylla, Passiflora trinifolia, and Passiflora obtusifolia.
Figure 40.Habit of Passiflora clypeophylla (based upon Smith 1625) Scale bar = 1.0 cm.