Resting cyst of Urostyla grandis (EHRENBERG,1830). Brightfield.
Ruptured resting cyst of Urostyla grandis (EHRENBERG,1830) showing very thin cyst wall (CW). DIC.
Resting cysts of Urostyla grandis (EHRENBERG,1830). From starved culture.Brightfield.
Multiple macronuclei (MN) of the large hypotrich ciliate, Urostyla grandis (EHRENBERG,1830). Collected from a freshwater canal near Boise, Idaho.Stained by the protargol A technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Holosticha (whole-o-stike-a) (tentative identification) is a hypotrich ciliate in which the cirri are distributed in rows on the ventral surface. It is one of a large number of stichotrichine genera, and the genera can only be properly distinguished by careful mapping of the the distribution of the cirri - an exercise which requires special preparation of the cell. Differential interference contrast.
Holosticha (whole-o-stike-a) (tentative identification) is a hypotrich ciliate in which the cirri are distributed in rows on the ventral surface. It is one of a large number of stichotrichine genera, and the genera can only be properly distinguished by careful mapping of the the distribution of the cirri - an exercise which requires special preparation of the cell. This species with endosymbiotic algae. Phase contrast.
These ciliates are undergoing conjugation, sexual exchange of genetic material.
Image of ventral surface showing the anterior (to the right) zone of membranelles, and cirri around more or less the entire circumference of the cell. Phase contrast image.
The identity of this organism is unconfirmed. This image is focussed just below the ventral surface. There seem to be 2 rows of marginal cirri - a distinguished feature for Holosticha, and there is a collection of transverse cirri at the back. The inner region of the Adoral Zone of Membranelles that arcs around the front of the cell is quite evident - but is larger than is usual for the genus Holosticha. The relationships between Holosticha and close relatives are subject to debate. Nomarski optics.
Uroleptus (you-row-lep-tuss) an elongate hypotrich ciliate usually associated with sands and other sediments. With a curt adoral zone of membranelles at the anterior end, and a very long thin body with numerous cirri (clusters of cilia) with which the cell moves. Contractile. Phase contrast micrograph.
Uroleptus. Cell observed in sandy and muddy marine sediments in the vicinity of Broome, Western Australia in September 2003. This work was supported by the Australian Biological Resources Study.
Dorsal infraciliature of Uroleptus piscis (MUELLER,1773) EHRENBERG,1831. 1-5= Dorsal bristle kineties. Collected from a eutrophic freshwater pond in Boise,Idaho.Stained by the Protargol A technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Ventral view of Uroleptus piscis (MUELLER,1773) EHRENBERG,1831.Collected from a eutrophic freshwater pond in Boise,Idaho.DIC.
Ventral infraciliature of Uroleptus piscis (MUELLER, 1773) EHRENBERG, 1831.Collected from a eutrophic freshwater pond in Boise,Idaho June 2008.Stained by the Protargol A technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Ventral view of Uroleptus piscis (MUELLER, 1773) EHRENBERG, 1831.FC=frontal cirrus.LMC=left marginal cirral row.RMC=right marginal cirral row.VCR=zig-zag midventral cirral row.Collected from a eutrophic freshwater pond in Boise,Idaho June 2008.DIC.
Ventral view of Uroleptus piscis (MUELLER, 1773) EHRENBERG, 1831.CV=contractile vacuole.Collected from a eutrophic freshwater pond in Boise,Idaho June 2008.Brightfield.
Originally described by Ehrenberg under the name Oxytricha pullaster.
Ventral infraciliature of Anteholosticha monilata (KAHL, 1928)Berger2003. Collected from a freshwater irrigation canal. Boise,Idaho. December 2007.Protargol (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.