Image of <i>Nesomyrmex simoni</i> (Emery)

Nesomyrmex simoni (Emery)

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Fig. 1m -o

Tetramorium simoni Emery , 1895b: 35. For type information and synonyms, see Bolton ( 1982 ).

Description of worker

HL 0.924-1.021, HW 0.783-0.884, HW1 0.850-0.915, CI 83-87, SL 0.649-0.688, SI 78-83, PW 0.615-0.672, ML 1.168-1.268, EL 0.258-0.266, EI 29-33 (3 of 3 measured).

Description matches that of Bolton ( 1982 ) except for a few additional characters: promesonotal dorsum with scattered short erect hairs, petiolar node with a pair of subdecumbent hairs and a pair of subdecumbent hairs on the postpetiole; sparse pubescence present.


Nesomyrmex simoni looks similar to N. braunsi and N. saasveldensis in that they all have rugo-reticulate petiolar node and rugo-reticulate sculpture is usually also evident partially or completely on head and mesosoma. It is recognized from N. braunsi by its smaller size (HW 0.783- 0.884 versus 1.033-1.109), and armed propodeum (versus unarmed). It is distinguished from N. saasveldensis by lacking hairs on the propodeum.


Specimens have been collected from pitfall traps in savanna: Pilanesberg Mountain Bushveld (Mucina & Rutherford 2006) vegetation.

Material examined South Africa: North West Province: Pilanesberg

Nature Reserve (Tlou Drive), 25°15'S 27°04'E, Pediment grassland, pitfall, 20-26 October 1998, C.L. Parr, SAM-HYM-C 016651; Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (Mankwe Way), 25°16'S 27°08'E, Pediment grassland, pitfall, 20-26 October 1998, C.L. Parr, SAM-HYM-C016653 & SAM-HYM-C 016652.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Mbanyana, N., 2008, Review of the ant genus Nesomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in southern Africa., African Natural History, pp. 35-55, vol. 4
Mbanyana, N.
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)