1998 California Academy of Sciences
1998 California Academy of Sciences
1998 California Academy of Sciences
1998 California Academy of Sciences
1998 California Academy of Sciences
1999 California Academy of Sciences
2001 California Academy of Sciences
on mixed basin alluvial gravels with Dalea greggii, Opuntia spp. Mimosa aculeaticarpa in grasses
large basal stem succulent in a 1/2 mile long, narrow, steep walled, dry canyon cut in flat lying pale, blocky, limestone strata by a intermittent arroyo tributary of Fresnal Creek. The canyon shelters a richly diverse flora of the isolated region known as Hell's Half-acre.
large clumping basal stem succulent in a 1/2 mile long, narrow, steep walled, dry canyon cut in flat lying pale, blocky, limestone strata by a intermittent arroyo tributary of Fresnal Creek. The canyon shelters a richly diverse flora of the isolated region known as Hell's Half-acre.
large evergreen mounding shrub in fruit on grassy volcanic alluvial outwash bajada with Yucca torreyi, Parthenium incanum, Rhus microphylla, Berberis trifoliolata, Viguiera stenoloba. Linear strap-like leaves have sharply minutely serrate margins.
large evergreen mounding shrub in fruit on grassy volcanic alluvial outwash bajada with Yucca torreyi, Parthenium incanum, Rhus microphylla, Berberis trifoliolata, Viguiera stenoloba. Linear strap-like leaves have sharply minutely serrate margins.
large evergreen mounding shrub in fruit on grassy volcanic alluvial outwash bajada. Note the large, thick, heavy inflorescence extends to slightly above leaves
Fruit view on large grass-like linear leafed, evergreen, mounding shrub on grassy volcanic alluvial outwash bajada.
inflorescence a panicle heavy with fruit. Plants large, evergreen, mounding shrub of long linear grass-like leaves on grassy volcanic alluvial outwash bajada.
Plants large, stemless, mounding shrub on grassy volcanic alluvial outwash bajada. Note long, linear, grass-like foliage with minutely serrate margins. Leaf tips naturally lacerate, fraying into white threadlike fibers which easily tangle and strew across the plant. Important fiber source and for basketry work by early indigenous peoples
Plants large, stemless, mounding shrub on grassy volcanic alluvial outwash bajada. Note long, linear, grass-like foliage with minutely serrate margins. Leaf tips naturally lacerate, fraying into white threadlike fibers which easily tangle and strew across the plant. An important fiber source and for basketry work by early indigenous peoples
mounding shrub with linear grass-like leaves in full bloom, panicles held partially above the foliage
mounding shrub with linear grass-like leaves in full bloom, panicles held partially above the foliage
mounding shrub with linear grass-like leaves in full bloom, inflorescence held partially above the foliage in racemose panicle.
racemose panicle bearing hundreds of buds and scattered small white flowers
racemose panicle bearing hundreds of buds and scattered small white flowers
racemose panicle bearing hundreds of buds and scattered small white flowers