“Heterophryxus elongatus n. sp.
Figs. 19A-19D
Description. Body 2.6 mm long, much longer than wide. Anterior peraeopods about one third length of body extending from lateral bosses. Body divided into distinct segments with pairs of peraeopods arising from four segments. Frontal margin of body broadly rounded; posterior margin of body broad and indented. One nongravid female was caught. The name elongatus, from the Latin, means 'elongate' and refers to the body of the specimen.
Type locality. 10-782: 60°00'S, 82°40'W; 60°18'S, 82°41'W; 3074 m. Holotype and four paratypes.
Distribution and size. 10-767 (2 mm); 10-782 (1.6, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, and 2.6 mm) holotype and four paratypes; 10-831 (1.8 mm); 10-836 (2.4 mm); 10-839 (2.0 and 2.8 mm); 15-1355 (1.8 mm); 15-1358 (1.8 mm).
Affinities. The species is different from both the type species and H. australis n. sp. in that it is more elongate and the peraeonal segments are shaped differently. The two new species might very well be put in different genera when more specimens are examined and when the hosts are known.”
(Schultz, George, 1977: 97)