Description: English:
Larix gmelinii forest. This is what the Siberians call a "drunken forest". Permafrost that has not melted provides a solid foundation that holds trees upright. When permafrost melts, as it has here, the layer of loose soil deepens and trees lose their foundations, tipping over at odd angles. Kochechum River, Evenkiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug, Russia;
66°20'N 99°00'E.As we traveled down river, I saw what the Siberians call a "drunken forest". This area is
permafrost, where the soil stays firmly frozen year round. Larch grows well here, but their roots are shallow. When permafrost melts, the trees lose their footing and tilt to the side. I guess the trees look like a drunk trying to walk home, tilted at crazy angles. It is a curious sight, but it is also a clear sign that the temperature in that spot has been warm enough to melt the permafrost. -- Weblog of Dr. Jon Ranson in Siberia. Français : La décongélation du
permafrost provoque des phénomènes
thermokarstiques (ici des trous et effondrements locaux, et ailleurs des ravine et parfois des ravins), au fur et à mesure que les arbres poussent, ce qui peut donner un aspect de "forêt îvre" à la taïga (ici en Sibérie). Date: 1 August 2007. Source:
NASA Science blog. Author: Jon Ranson, NASA Science blog.