

provided by EOL authors
Plants monoecious, mucilaginous, 1-4 cm high, 50-100 μm in diameter, sparsely and irregularly branched, dark green; whorls not recognizable, confluent; primary fascicles sparsely sometimes dichotomously branched, consisting of 3-5 cells, proximal cells cylindrical, barrel-shaped, short, 5-10 μm in diameter, 6-8 μm long, distal cells ovoidal, terminal hairs rare, varying length; cortical filaments extremely numerous, pseudo-parenchymatously developed; secondary fascicles numerous, very short, sparsely sometimes dichotomously branched, 2 or 3 cell-storeys covering all internodes; spermatangia spherical, 4-5 μm in diameter, terminal on fascicles; carpogonium-bearing branches more or less undulated, coiled, short, 7-10 μm long, consisting of 3-10 disc-shaped cells, arising from periaxial cells; cell walls of carpogonium-bearing branches very thick, pit-connections between these cells clearly recognized; involucral filaments numerous, short; carpogonia somewhat asymmetrical, ca. 4 μm in diameter, 25-30 μm long, trichogyne cylindrical, stalked; carposporophytes single, swelling or wart-like, 100-140 μm in diameter, 70-100 μm high, protruding from whorls. Gonimoblast filaments radially branched, more or less compactly agglomerated; carposporangia spherical or ellipsoidal, 7-10 μm in diameter, 10-13 μm long.