Public Domain, U.S. Government Work 2011 Barry H. Rosen Courtesy of
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Microorganisms | AlgaeDescription: Discoid chromatophores and the nucleus easily observed with epifluorescent illumination. Sample was collected from Raccoon River, Iowa.Capture device: DP71Capture details: 400x with microscopeOriginal date: 20091002|||112306Locality: Latitude: 2.859009900000000e+001; Longitude: -8.119031699999999e+001
Public Domain, U.S. Government Work 2011 Barry H. Rosen Courtesy of
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Microorganisms | MicrofloraDescription: Discoid chromatophores and the nucleus easily observed with normal illumination. Specimen was collected from Raccoon River, Iowa.Capture device: DP71Original date: 20091002|||113054Locality: Latitude: 2.859009900000000e+001; Longitude: -8.119031699999999e+001
Coscinodiscus wailesii. oblique SEM . Visible are: girdle bands, two regular rows of rimoportulae (2-3 areolae from margin & at valve face/mantle junction), one irregular row of rimoportulae near center, irregular hyaline central area. scale bar is 10µm.