Abbildungen zu Karl Illiger's Uebersetzung von Olivier's Entomologie plates
Nürnberg :Gedruckt auf Kosten des Herausgebers,1802-1803.
Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle :.
Paris :Chez les editeurs MM. Renard, Martinet et cie, rue et Hotel Mignon, 2 (quartier de l'École-de-Médecine) ; et chez Langlois et Leclercq, rue de la Harpe, 81 ; Victor Masson, Place de l'Ecole-de-Médecin1847-1849.
An epitome of the natural history of the insects of India :.
London,Printed for the author by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street; and sold by Messrs, Rivingtons, Str. Paul's Church Yard; White, Fleet Street, Faulder, Bond Street; and H. D. Symonds, Patersonter Row,1800..
Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the natural history of the Himalayan Mountains :.
London :Wm. H. Allen,1839..