California, United States
Paluma, Queensland, Australia
Helsinki, Newland, Finland
Catacol, Arran Scotland. NR915495
Catacol, Isle of Arran, Scotland
Helsinki, Newland, Finland
Barisciano, Abruzzi, Italy
Barisciano, Abruzzi, Italy
Barisciano, Abruzzi, Italy
Barisciano, Abruzzi, Italy
Barisciano, Abruzzi, Italy
Barisciano, Abruzzi, Italy
This beautiful moss is widespread in shady or damp places in Britain and is seen here from a woodland site in north Mull. Developing fruiting bodies (capsules), each on a long red stalk (seta) can be seen arising from some plants slightly right and above centre in this image. Sept. 9th 2011, Image I11-0212
Rowallan, Tasmania, Australia
Rowallan, Tasmania, Australia
Rowallan, Tasmania, Australia
This is a close view of Antitrichia californica with capsules and in direr condition that the adjacent image I12-0070). This was photographed in the wild near Maraih Meadows Resort, Lake County, California, on MArch 30th 2012. Image I12-0182.
Photographed at Middletown Trailside County Park, Lake County, California, on March 29th 2012. Image I12-0070
Orthotrichum affine. The presence of this moss is an indicator of relatively good air quality.Jan. 26, 2013, Millcreek Canyon, approx. 5,920 ft., growing on a tall deciduous tree, mainly on the north side, at about six feet from the ground.With respect to the moss, capsules and peristome teeth are visible (has 8 teeth). The leaves of the gametophtye have a common spiral arrangement, and appear to be mostly erect and only arranged in only a few spirals, and have recurved margins with acute tips . Capsules are furrowed (that can be see in connection with at least one of the capsules depicted here) and emergent to shortly exserted. There are at least three species of lichens.
The moss (center/right) is Orthotrichum affine, the most common tree-inhabiting species in this area. Grows on a variety of deciduous trees including Narrow-leaf Cottonwood, Birch, Bigtooth Maple and Box Elder.The healthy presence of this moss (and of no doubt several of the lichen species here as well) is an indicator of relatively good air quality.Jan. 26, 2013, Millcreek Canyon, approx. 5,920 ft., tall deciduous tree, the moss mainly on the north side, at about six feet from the ground.
Tasmania, Australia
Tasmania, Australia
Tasmania, Australia
Tasmania, Australia