Anna Zhadan, Margarita Atroshchenko
Figure 4.Laubieriopsis norvegica sp.n. A anterior end, lateral view B posterior end, ventro-lateral view C parapodia of chaetigers 2–3 D tip of neurochaeta enlarged E parapodia of chaetiger 12 F genital papilla and parapodia of chaetiger 9; neurochaetae are broken G, H sperm cell. Scale (μm): A, B – 100, C–30, D – 3, E, F – 30, G – 10, H – 2. Abbreviation: cc accessory chaeta, ch1–ch4 chaetigers 1–4, ch8 chaetiger 8, ch9 chaetiger 9, gp genital papilla, ip interramal papilla, mp micropapilla, neu neurochaeta, nc notochaeta, oc oocyte, pe peristomium, pr prostomium
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 12.Sternaspis rietschi Caullery, 1944, holotype (ZMA 1500) A Complete specimen, oblique, lateral view (insert: hooks from chaetiger 3) B Same, anterior end, frontal view C Ventro-caudal shield, pieces previously broken, frontal view. Bars: A 0.5 mm B: 1 mm C 1.3 mm.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 3.Caulleryaspis nuda sp. n., A Holotype (CAS 129027h), ventral view B Same, anterior end, frontal view C Same, ventro-caudal shield, frontal view D–F Paratypes (CAS 129027p), ventro-caudal shields. Bars A 1.2 mm B, E 0.6 mm C 0.5 mm D 0.8 mm F 0.9 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 14.Sternaspis spinosa Sluiter, 1882, Neotype (NHM 1889.6.15.52, No. 36) A Complete, ventral view B Same, anterior end, exposed, oblique lateral view C Same, ventro-caudal shield. Bars: A 1.4 mm B 1.0 mm C 0.8 mm.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 4.Sternaspis annenkovae sp. n. A Holotype (ZIRAS 50602), dorsal view B Same, ventral view C Same, ventro-caudal shield D Paratype, anterior end, oblique frontal view E–G Ventro-caudal shields of three paratypes. Bars: A, B 1.3 mm, C, G 1.1 mm, D 0.7 mm, E 0.8 mm, F 1 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 15.Sternaspis thorsoni sp. n. A Holotype (ZMUC 2221), ventral view B Same, anterior end, frontal view C Same, ventro-caudal shield D Mon type specimen (ZMUC Sta. 64), ventro-caudal shield E Paratype (ZMUC 2224), ventro-caudal shield F Another paratype (ZMUC 2223), ventro-caudal shield. Bars: A, F 0.8 mm B 0.6 mm C 0.5 mm D 0.3 mm E 0.4 mm.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 5.Sternaspis maureri sp. n., A Holotype (LACM 5679), ventral view, shield variably broken B Paratype (LACM 5680), anterior end, seen from above C Ventro-caudal shield, detached right part. Bars A 1.9 mm B 0.4 mm C 0.5 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 16.Caulleryaspis gudmundssoni sp. n., holotype (IMNH 10280) A Ventral view (arrow points peg chaetae) B Same, ventro-caudal shield (arrow points peg chaetae) C Same, posterior region, lateral view (arrow points peg chaetae). Bars: A 1.4 mm, B 0.8 mm C 0.9 mm (Photos: Gudmundur Vidir Helgason).
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 6.Sternaspis maureri sp. n., non-type specimens (Sta. 94 LACM 0000) A–C Ventral view of complete specimens D–F Ventro-caudal shields of the corresponding specimens. Bars A 0.2 mm B 2.2 mm C 0.6 mm D 0.15 mm E 0.3 mm F 0.4 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 17.Caulleryaspis laevis (Caullery, 1944) comb. n. A Lectotype (ZMA 1535), ventral view B Same, ventro-caudal shield C Paralectotype (ZMA 5530), ventral view D Same, ventro-caudal shield. Bars: A 1 mm B 0.5 mm C 1.1 mm D 0.6 mm.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 7.Sternaspis uschakovi sp. n. A Holotype (ZIRAS 50604), lateral view B Oblique ventral view C Anterior end, frontal view D Ventro-caudal shield, frontal view E–F Paratypes, ventro-caudal shields, frontal view G Non-type specimen (ZIRAS 50606), ventro-caudal shield, frontal view. Bars: A 1.7 mm B 1.2 C 0.8 mm D 1.5 mm E 0.5 mm F 0.9 mm G 1.2 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 18.Petersenaspis capillata (Nonato, 1966) comb. n., syntypes (MCEM 1333) A Complete, ventral view B Another syntype, anterior end, ventral view C Same, enlargement to show subdistally expanded chaetae D Same, ventro-caudal shield, frontal view E Another syntype, posterior region, dorsal view. Bars: A 1 mm B, D 0.6 mm C 0.4 mm E 0.9 mm.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 8.Sternaspis uschakovi sp. n., specimen from off Central California, U.S.A. (SIORAS 4214) A Frontal view, body ventrally bent B Anterior end, frontal view C Ventro-caudal shield, frontal view. Bars: A 1 mm B 0.5 mm C 0.6 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 19.Petersenaspis palpallatoci sp. n. A Holotype (MNHN 1551), ventral view B Same, anterior end, lateral view C Same, ventro-caudal shield, frontal view D Paratype (MNHN 1552), ventro-caudal shield, frontal view E Same, branchial plate, frontal view, branchiae and papillae removed. Bars: A 1 mm B 0.7mm C 0.3 mm D 0.5 mm E 0.4 mm.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 9.Sternaspis williamsae sp. n., holotype (LACM 5353) A Frontal view B Anterior end, oblique frontal view C Ventro-caudal shield D Largest paratype (LACM 5354), ventral view E–H Ventro-caudal shields, frontal view. Bars: A, G 0.9 mm B, H 1 mm C 0.5 mm D 1.2 mm E 0.4 mm F 0.6 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 20.Petersenaspis sp (ZMA 1717) A Complete specimen, ventral view B Same, anterior segments in lateral view C Same, ventro-caudal shield, frontal view, lateral plates forced dorsally D Same, posterior region, dorsal view E Incomplete specimen, lateral view F Same, enlargement of right lateral shield plate. Bars: A 1.2 mm B 0.44 mm C 0.38 mm D 1 mm E 0.9 mm F 0.42 mm.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 10.Sternaspis williamsae sp. n. Juveniles (LACM 5357) A Complete specimens, ventral view B Smallest juvenile, ventral view C Second specimen, ventral view D Intermediate-sized juvenile, ventral view E Second largest specimen, ventral view F Same, ventro-caudal shield, oblique illumination G Largest specimen, ventral view H Same, ventro-caudal shield, incident illumination. Bars: A 1.4 mm B 0.1 mm C 0.2 mm D, G 0.6 mm E 0.5 mm F, H 0.3 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 1.A Sternaspis sp. ventral view with some morphological features B Ventro-caudal shields of some Sternaspis species C Shield parts as herein proposed to distinguish different species (AD: anterior depression, FPP: fan posterior projection) (A modif. after Uschakov 1955, reproduced with permission; B–C modified after von Marenzeller 1890).
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 4.Sternaspis thalassemoides Otto, 1821 A Neotype (ZMUC POL 2159), dorsal view B Same, ventral view C Paraneotype, ventral view D Another paraneotype, anterior chaetigers, ventral view E Same, chaetae of chaetiger 3 F Neotype, ventro-caudal shield. Bars: A 2.4 mm B, C 2.6 mm F 1.7 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 1.A Sternaspis sp. ventral view with some morphological features B Ventro-caudal shields of some Sternaspis species C Shield parts as herein proposed to distinguish different species (AD: anterior depression, FPP: fan posterior projection) (A modif. after Uschakov 1955, reproduced with permission; B–C modified after von Marenzeller 1890).
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 2.Variation of the ventro-caudal shield in Sternaspis affinis Stimpson, 1864, station 996 A Four specimens showing size differences B Specimen 1, ventro-caudal shield C Specimen 3, ventro-caudal shield D Specimen 4, ventro-caudal shield E Specimen 2, ventro-caudal shield F Same, ventro-caudal shield showing integument papillae. Bars: A 2 mm, B–F 1 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 5.Sternaspis affinis Stimpson, 1864, neotype (RBCM 005-138-001) A Dorsal view B Ventral view C Anterior end, frontal view (insert: juvenile, prostomium with eyes) D Ventro-caudal shield, frontal view E Posterior region, lateral view. Bars: A 1 mm B 1.1 mm C 0.8 mm D 0.6 mm E 0.7 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 6.Sternaspis africana Augener, 1918 n. status, neotype (NHM 1930.10.8.2582-90) A Anterior end, ventral view B Posterior end, oblique lateral view C Posterior region, dorsal view D–F Ventro-caudal shields of three other specimens (IRFA-STE 001). Bars: A 2.2 mm B 1.7 mm C 2.1 mm D–E 0.7 mm F 0.9 mm.
Kelly Sendall, Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Figure 7.Sternaspis andamanensis sp. n., holotype (ZMUC POL-2157) A Dorsal view B Ventral view, anterior region bent ventrally C Same, close-up of chaetigers 2–3 D Ventro-caudal shield E Lateral view. Bars: A 1.2 mm B 1 mm C 0.6 mm D 0.4 mm E 1.1 mm (Photos: Jørgen Olesen).