Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Abronia umbellata Lam. Tab. Encyc. 1: 469. 1791
Tricratus admirabilis I/Her.; Willd. Sp. PI. 1: 807. 1797.
Abronia californica Raeusch. Nom. Bot. ed. 3. 191. 1797.
Abronia rotundifolia Gaertn. Fruct. 3: 181. 1807.
Abronia glauca Menzies; Hook. Exot. Fl. pi. 194, as synonym. 1827.
Abronia rosea Hartw.; Baxter, in Loud. Hort. Brit. Suppl. 479, hyponym. 1850.
Perennial; stems slender, prostrate, 2-10 dm. long, sparsely or much branched, succulent, often tinged with red, viscid-puberulent or glabrous, the internodes usually longer than the leaves; petioles slender, 1-5 cm. long, viscid-puberulent or glabrous; leaf -blades irregular in outline, oval-ovate, rhombic-oval, oval, ovate, lance-elliptic, or lance-oblong, 1.5-7 cm. long, 0.5-3.5 cm. wide, rounded to very acute at the base, rounded or obtuse at the apex, entire or subsinuate* succulent, sparsely viscid-puberulent or glabrous; peduncles slender, 3-15 mm. long, viscid-puberulent or glabrate; bracts lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 5-7 mm. long. acute to attenuate, scarious, viscid-puberulent; flowers numerous, the perianth 12-16 mm.
long, the tube yellowishgreen, viscid-puberulent, the limb 8-10 mm. broad, rose-purple; fruit
about 1 cm. long and wide, viscidvillous or puberulent above, the body indurate, 1-3-costate
in the angles, usually 5-winged, the wings coriaceous, truncate or narrowed upward, not pro*
longed above the body, slightly narrowed toward the base; seed elliptic-oblong, 3-5 mm. long, brown.
Type locality: Described from specimens cultivated at Paris, grown from seeds brought from Monterey, California.
Distribution: Sandy seashores, California, from Marin County to Los Angeles County.
- bibliographic citation
- Paul Carpenter Standley. 1918. (CHENOPODIALES); ALLIONIACEAE. North American flora. vol 21(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY