Photograph of Cattleya sp.
Photograph of Tolumnia prionochila.
Photograph of Isotria verticillata.
Photograph of Isotria verticillata.
Photograph of Isotria verticillata.
Photograph of Isotria verticillata.
Photograph of Isotria verticillata.
Photograph of Isotria verticillata.
Photograph of Isotria verticillata.
Photograph of Isotria verticillata.
Habit image. Faulconer, K. L. 72. SI Gardens, greenhouse 11 at MSC, Suitland, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Sign image. Faulconer, K. L. 72. SI Gardens, greenhouse 11 at MSC, Suitland, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Strong, M. T., 6051. Habit: flower. Dianella ensifolia.
Strong, M. T., 6051. Habit: flower/fruit. Dianella ensifolia.
Strong, M. T., 6051. Habit: habitat. Dianella ensifolia.
Strong, M. T., 6051. Habit: fruit. Dianella ensifolia.
Photograph of Hypoxis decumbens.
flower side image. Funk, V. A. 13287. S of Williams on Rt 73 (S Perkinsville Rd), GGI Gardens Project 2016
flower image. Funk, V. A. 13289. ca. 32 km S of Williams at junction of Perkinsville Rd (Rt 73/211) and FR 492/Rt 73., GGI Gardens Project 2016
flower image. Funk, V. A. 13287. S of Williams on Rt 73 (S Perkinsville Rd), GGI Gardens Project 2016
Photograph of Cypripedium calceolus.
Photograph of Cypripedium calceolus.
Habit image. Strong, M. T. 5268. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, ca.1.7 km N of jct. SR603 and SR614, GGI Gardens Project 2016
Habit image. Sedaghatpour, M. 2016-28. Smithsonian Gardens Greenhouse 11 at the Museum Support Center property, GGI Gardens Project 2016.