Adults and Young of Sula piscator on South Trinidad Island.
Sea Gull Eating a Fish.
Pair of Sula cyanops guarding young.
Woodduck Female (Aix sponsa. Swainson).
Black and White Warbeler (Upper). American Redstart (Lower)
Male Man-o'-War Bird (Fregata aquila) with inflated gular pouch.
Marsh Hawk. Circus hudsonius
Wood Thrush (Upper). Hermit Thrush (Lower)
Nest of Pink-Footed Gannet (Sula piscator) on Assumption Island.
Hawaiian Tern Alighting on its nest.
Blue-faced booby (Sula cyanops) and young.
Alaskan Jay; Perisoreus canadensis fumifrons.
Group of Shags (Phalacrocorax colensoi), Auckland Islands.
American Rough-Legged Hawk. Archibutco lagopus sancti-johannis
Flounder. Fluke; Passer fluviatilis
Nest and Eggs of Larus dominicanus (Black-backed Gull), Masked Island, Auckland Islands.
Red-Footed Booby (Sula piscator) on nest.
Laysan Rail (Porzanula palmeri) on nest.
Sula cyanops guarding eggs.
Anthus Cervinus (Pallas). Meadow Pipit
Hooded Merganser. Upper figure male, lower figure female.
Arctic Ducks.
Chick of Gygis Alba Kittlitzi, about 3 days olds.
Sora (Porzana carolina Linn.).