Fruit image. Strong, M. T. 5315. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, off of main entrance gate on SR614, side road through meadows W of restoration area, at end of right fork in sand road, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Leaves image. Strong, M. T. 5315. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, off of main entrance gate on SR614, side road through meadows W of restoration area, at end of right fork in sand road, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Habit image. Strong, M. T. 5315. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, off of main entrance gate on SR614, side road through meadows W of restoration area, at end of right fork in sand road, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Image used for IIS -- Instant Imaging System project of John Kress
Habit image. Marcelli, M. B. 39. Smithsonian Gardens: Butterfly Habitat Garden next to 9th st NE Expressway, west of the National Museum of Natural History, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Sign image. Ingram, K. 12. Smithsonian Gardens: Butterfly Habitat Garden. 10m from Constitution Ave. and 9th St., GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Close-up image. Marcelli, M. B. 39. Smithsonian Gardens: Butterfly Habitat Garden next to 9th st NE Expressway, west of the National Museum of Natural History, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Image used for IIS -- Instant Imaging System project of John Kress
Close-up image. Ingram, K. 12. Smithsonian Gardens: Butterfly Habitat Garden. 10m from Constitution Ave. and 9th St., GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Habit image. Ingram, K. 12. Smithsonian Gardens: Butterfly Habitat Garden. 10m from Constitution Ave. and 9th St., GGI Gardens Project 2016.