Species: Acridocarpus chloropterus Oliv. Date: 2012-04-11 Location: Nhamacalapia road, Catapu Habitat: Clearing in sand forest
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 6.
Photograph of the isotype of Mcvaughiabahiana.
Species: Sphedamnocarpus angolensis (A. Juss.) Planch. ex Oliv. Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Haslemere Lane, Umwindsidale Habitat: Open miombo woodland
Species: Acridocarpus chloropterus Oliv. Date: 2012-04-11 Location: Nhamacalapia road, Catapu Habitat: Clearing in sand forest
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 11.
Distribution map of Mcvaughia: triangle – M.bahiana, circle – M.piauhiensis, and square – M.sergipana. Solid blue line in the center represents the São Francisco River today. Dotted blue line represents the past course of São Francisco River. Blue circle represents the São Francisco paleo lake. Light green – Atlantic Forest domain, dark green – Amazon Forest domain, orange – Cerrado domain, and yellow – Caatinga domain. AL – state of Alagoas, BA – state of Bahia, CE – state of Ceará, MA – state of Maranhão, PB – state of Paraíba, PE – state of Pernambuco, PI – state of Piauí, RN – state of Rio Grande do Norte, and SE – state of Sergipe.
Species: Sphedamnocarpus angolensis (A. Juss.) Planch. ex Oliv. Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Haslemere Lane, Umwindsidale Habitat: Open miombo woodland
Species: Stigmaphyllon ciliatum (Lam.) A. Juss. Date: 2008-12-20 Location: Orange Grove Drive, Harare Habitat: Cultivated in garden
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 3.
Leaf morphoanatomy of Mcvaughia species. A patterns of leaf glands distribution on the abaxial leaf surface of M.bahianaB patterns of leaf glands distribution on the abaxial leaf surface of M.piauhiensisC patterns of leaf glands distribution on the abaxial leaf surface of M.sergipanaD transverse section of leaf base showing the basilaminar pair of stalked glands (white arrows) E basilaminar leaf gland with a stalk (black arrow) in M.piauhiensisF basilaminar gland in M.sergipana showing a sessile position (SE= anatomical arrangement with secretory epidermis, SP= vascularized secretory parenchyma) G–H laminar glands on the apex of cleared leaves of M.sergipana and M.bahiana respectively, note the apical tooth (G) I sessile laminar glands in M.sergipanaJ stalked laminar gland in M.piauhiensisK–L transverse sections of the leaf blade; mesophyll with uniserial palisade-like parenchyma and spongy parenchyma composed by several or few layers in M.sergipana and M.bahiana, respectively; note the idioblast with druse crystals at the mesophyll (white arrow) and the stomata distribution at the abaxial leaf surface (black arrow) M–N adaxial epidermis surface of M.piauhiensis and M.sergipana, showing scars of malpighiaceous trichomes O abaxial epidermis surface of trichomes abundance in M.bahianaP–Q outline of the anticlinal epidermal cell walls: straight in M.sergipana (P) and sinuous in M.bahiana (Q). Laminar scale bars: 1 cm (A–C), 100 μm (D, F–K, N–O), 150 μm (E), 50 μm (L–M, P–Q).
Species: Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. Juss.) Szyszyl. var. pruriens Date: 1963-04-09 Location: Pasture Research Centre, Melsetter (Chimanimani) Habitat:
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 4.
Reproductive morphoanatomy of Mcvaughia species. A inflorescence during development, showing a bracteole gland (BG) and Sepal glands (SG) B ten sepal glands encircling the calyx C Petal glands (PG) along the margin of posterior petal D–F transverse section of bracteole glands in M.sergipana, M.bahiana and M.piauhiensis, respectively G anatomical arrangement of bracteole gland, with a palisade-like secretory epidermis (SE) and secretory parenchyma (SP) H–I transverse section of floral bud and anthesis flower in Mcvaughiabahiana and M.sergipana; calyx gland pair displaced at the anterior sepal J calyx gland structure, showing a secretory epidermis (SE) and vascularized secretory parenchyma (SP) K–L petal glands on the margin of petals in M.sergipana and M.bahiana respectively M–N detail of the petal glands at the apex of the petal limb in M.sergipana, cleared and in SEM image O–Q petal glands positioned at the base, M.bahiana on SEM image, M.bahiana and M.piauhiensis cleared R–T conspicuous and stalked petal glands at the base of M.sergipana, in SEM image, cleared and longitudinal section. Scale bars: 200 μm (D), 150 μm (E–F), 50 μm (G), 500 μm (H–I), 100 μm (J, P–S), 300 μm (L–M), 200 μm (N, T).
Species: Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. Juss.) Szyszyl. var. pruriens Date: 1963-04-09 Location: Pasture Research Centre, Melsetter (Chimanimani) Habitat:
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 7.
Mcvaughiapiauhiensis. A seasonally dry forests from Serra das Confusões, Piauí, Brazil B abaxial surface of a leaf C detail of epipetiolar stipules D inflorescence E rehydrated flower showing the stamens (white arrows= reduced stamens) and styles. A by S.E. Martins B–E by R.F. Almeida.
Species: Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. Juss.) Szyszyl. var. pruriens Date: 2012-01-09 Location: Road to Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo Habitat: Roadside woodland
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 8.
Photograph of the holotype of Mcvaughiapiauhiensis.
Species: Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. Juss.) Szyszyl. var. pruriens Date: 2012-01-09 Location: Road to Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo Habitat: Roadside woodland
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 11.
Distribution map of Mcvaughia: triangle – M.bahiana, circle – M.piauhiensis, and square – M.sergipana. Solid blue line in the center represents the São Francisco River today. Dotted blue line represents the past course of São Francisco River. Blue circle represents the São Francisco paleo lake. Light green – Atlantic Forest domain, dark green – Amazon Forest domain, orange – Cerrado domain, and yellow – Caatinga domain. AL – state of Alagoas, BA – state of Bahia, CE – state of Ceará, MA – state of Maranhão, PB – state of Paraíba, PE – state of Pernambuco, PI – state of Piauí, RN – state of Rio Grande do Norte, and SE – state of Sergipe.
Species: Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. Juss.) Szyszyl. var. pruriens Date: 2012-01-09 Location: Road to Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo Habitat: Roadside woodland
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 3.
Leaf morphoanatomy of Mcvaughia species. A patterns of leaf glands distribution on the abaxial leaf surface of M.bahianaB patterns of leaf glands distribution on the abaxial leaf surface of M.piauhiensisC patterns of leaf glands distribution on the abaxial leaf surface of M.sergipanaD transverse section of leaf base showing the basilaminar pair of stalked glands (white arrows) E basilaminar leaf gland with a stalk (black arrow) in M.piauhiensisF basilaminar gland in M.sergipana showing a sessile position (SE= anatomical arrangement with secretory epidermis, SP= vascularized secretory parenchyma) G–H laminar glands on the apex of cleared leaves of M.sergipana and M.bahiana respectively, note the apical tooth (G) I sessile laminar glands in M.sergipanaJ stalked laminar gland in M.piauhiensisK–L transverse sections of the leaf blade; mesophyll with uniserial palisade-like parenchyma and spongy parenchyma composed by several or few layers in M.sergipana and M.bahiana, respectively; note the idioblast with druse crystals at the mesophyll (white arrow) and the stomata distribution at the abaxial leaf surface (black arrow) M–N adaxial epidermis surface of M.piauhiensis and M.sergipana, showing scars of malpighiaceous trichomes O abaxial epidermis surface of trichomes abundance in M.bahianaP–Q outline of the anticlinal epidermal cell walls: straight in M.sergipana (P) and sinuous in M.bahiana (Q). Laminar scale bars: 1 cm (A–C), 100 μm (D, F–K, N–O), 150 μm (E), 50 μm (L–M, P–Q).
Species: Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. Juss.) Szyszyl. var. pruriens Date: 2012-01-09 Location: Road to Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo Habitat: Roadside woodland
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 4.
Reproductive morphoanatomy of Mcvaughia species. A inflorescence during development, showing a bracteole gland (BG) and Sepal glands (SG) B ten sepal glands encircling the calyx C Petal glands (PG) along the margin of posterior petal D–F transverse section of bracteole glands in M.sergipana, M.bahiana and M.piauhiensis, respectively G anatomical arrangement of bracteole gland, with a palisade-like secretory epidermis (SE) and secretory parenchyma (SP) H–I transverse section of floral bud and anthesis flower in Mcvaughiabahiana and M.sergipana; calyx gland pair displaced at the anterior sepal J calyx gland structure, showing a secretory epidermis (SE) and vascularized secretory parenchyma (SP) K–L petal glands on the margin of petals in M.sergipana and M.bahiana respectively M–N detail of the petal glands at the apex of the petal limb in M.sergipana, cleared and in SEM image O–Q petal glands positioned at the base, M.bahiana on SEM image, M.bahiana and M.piauhiensis cleared R–T conspicuous and stalked petal glands at the base of M.sergipana, in SEM image, cleared and longitudinal section. Scale bars: 200 μm (D), 150 μm (E–F), 50 μm (G), 500 μm (H–I), 100 μm (J, P–S), 300 μm (L–M), 200 μm (N, T).
Species: Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. Juss.) Szyszyl. var. pruriens Date: 2012-01-09 Location: Road to Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo Habitat: Roadside woodland
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 9.
Mcvaughiasergipana. A sandy dune where M.sergipana occurs B detail of epipetiolar stipules C detail of leaf venation patterns D abaxial surface of a leaf E inflorescence showing buds and flowers F detail of glandular bracts G floral bud H flower in frontal view I fruit in side view. Photos by R.F. Almeida.
Species: Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. Juss.) Szyszyl. var. pruriens Date: 2012-01-09 Location: Road to Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo Habitat: Roadside woodland
Rafael F. Almeida, Isabel R. Guesdon, Marcelo R. Pace, Renata M.S. Meira
Figure 10.
Photograph of the isotype of Mcvaughiasergipana.