Description: Ripe fruits and foliage of
en:Garcinia livingstonei (also called imbe). Photo taken June 3, 2006, with a Canon PowerShot S2 IS camera. Photo by Flickr user: cixcell (Christopher Hind). Photo taken at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in
Coral Gables,
en:United States. Date: 13 August 2007 (original upload date). Source: Transferred from
en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by
User:Lvova using
CommonsHelper. Original uploader was
Badagnani at
en.wikipedia. Author: Christopher Hind. Permission(
Reusing this file): English: (see below for email granting permission). Source: cixcell's (Christopher Hind's) Flickr page: Contents
1 Permission to use photo 1.1 Email asking for permission 1.2 Email granting permission 2 Additional correspondence 2.1 Email asking about free license 2.2 Email granting permission to use free license 3 Licensing 4 Original upload log Permission to use photo Email asking for permission Date: 12 Aug 07, 8.29PM EDT From: Wikipedia User:Badagnani To: Flickr user: cixcell (Christopher Hind) Subject: Garcinia livingstonei Hi, I notice that the Wikipedia page about Garcinia livingstonei doesn't have a photo and wonder if you might agree to have your photo uploaded there, as the representative photo of this species? -- Wikipedia user:Badagnani Email granting permission Date: 12 Aug 07, 8.46PM EDT From: Flickr user: cixcell (Christopher Hind) To: Wikipedia user: Badagnani Subject: Re: Garcinia livingstonei sure. sounds great. just credit Christopher Hind in the photo credits. thanks. Additional correspondence Email asking about free license From: Wikipedia user: Badagnani To: Flickr user: cixcell (Christopher Hind) Date: 12 Aug 07, 8.52PM EDT Subject: Re: Garcinia livingstonei Thanks--just one more question: As per Wikipedia's policies, your photo would need to be released under a "free" license, meaning that the photo could be reused by anyone for any reason (including educational, commercial, or any other use). The photo would be credited to you and a link would be made to your Flickr page, and a specification would be made that anyone using your photo in the future would need to credit it in this way. Please let me know if you'd be amenable to this. Best, -- Wikipedia User: Badagnani Email granting permission to use free license From: Flickr user: cixcell (Christopher Hind) To: Wikipedia user: Badagnani Date: 12 Aug 07, 8.54PM EDT Subject: Re: Garcinia livingstonei sure, no problem.