Gedesby, Denmark
Bluffton College, Bluffton, Allen County, Ohio, US
Species: Celtis gomphophylla Baker Date: 2011-12-25 Location: Edge of camp site, Chirinda Forest Habitat: Forest edge
Gedesby, Denmark
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Species: Celtis gomphophylla Baker Date: 2011-12-25 Location: Near Chalet 3, Chirinda Forest Habitat: In disturbed forest clearing
Gedser, Denmark
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Species: Celtis gomphophylla Baker Date: 2011-12-25 Location: Near Chalet 3, Chirinda Forest Habitat: In disturbed forest clearing
Gedser, Denmark
along 21st Ave.S., Peabody campus, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Species: Celtis gomphophylla Baker Date: 2013-10-28 Location: Survey Plot 3, Magorogodo hills, Zomba Community Habitat: Understorey of Newtonia dominated forest
Botanisk Have Århus
Bluffton College, Bluffton, Allen County, Ohio, US
Species: Celtis gomphophylla Baker Date: 2013-10-28 Location: Survey Plot 3, Magorogodo hills, Zomba Community Habitat: Understorey of Newtonia dominated forest
Hjerl Hede Frilandsmuseum
southeast of Furman Hall, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US