Figure 2.Habitat of Cylindrolepas sinica Ren, 1980. A the original rounded form aggregated on the tail of a green sea turtle B the hexagonal variant burrowing into a green sea turtle plastron C an unusual specimen attached to a plastic tag on a loggerhead sea turtle D close-up view of the individual attached to the plastic tag.
Terue C. Kihara, Carlos E. F. Rocha
Figures 7–13.Clausidium rodriguesi sp. n. Female: 7 antenna 8 labrum 9 mandible 10 Detail of mandible tooth 11 maxillule 12 maxilla 13 maxilliped. Scale bars: 7 = 50 μm; 8 = 10 μm; 9, 10 = 25 μm; 11–13 = 20 μm.
Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny, Ali M. Al-Aidaroos
Figure 5.Macandrewella cochinensis female from the northern Red Sea. A Leg 1, anterior surface B medial margin of first and second exopodal segments of Leg 1 C lateral distal margin of leg 1 endopod D leg 2, posterior surface E Leg 3, posterior surface F leg 4, posterior surface G–H second and third exopodal segments of leg 4, anterior surface I leg 5, anterior surface. All scale bars in mm.
Eknarin Rodcharoen, Niel L. Bruce, Pornsilp Pholpunthin
Figure 6.Cirolana songkhla sp. n., male paratype (PSUZC-CR0281-2) (11.2 mm) (A–F), ovigerous female (PSUZC-CR0281-2) (8.7 mm) (G). A uropod B uropod exopod apex C uropod endopod apex D uropod exopod E pleotelson F detail of pleotelson apex G oostegite 4.
Hyun Woo Bang, Jeffrey G. Baguley, Heejin Moon
Figure 1.Pentacletopsyllus montagni gen. et sp. n. female: A habitus, dorsal B habitus, lateral C cephalothorax, lateral D tooth-like process of cephalothorax lateral anterior margin E rostrum, dorsal F caudal ramus, dorsal.
Andrés G. Morales-Núñez, Richard W. Heard
Figure 6.Paratanais rosadi sp. n., holotype female: A pereopod 1 B pereopod 2 C pereopod 3 D pereopod 4 E pereopod 5 F pereopod 6 G enlargement of bifurcate spiniform setae. Scale bar A–F 0.1 mm.
Kerry A. Hadfield, Niel L. Bruce, Nico J. Smit
Figure 5.Ceratothoa africanae sp. n. male paratype (14 mm) (SAM A45938): A dorsal view B antero-dorsal view of pereonite 1 and cephalon C ventral view of cephalon D dorsal view of pleotelson E lateral view.
Figure 6.A–C lectotype of Gecarcinus lateralis (Freminville, 1835), male, carapace width 47.2 mm, Guadeloupe (MNHN-3758) (dried specimen, color faded) D–F syntype of Gecarcinus quadratus Saussure, 1853, male, carapace width 39.7 mm, Mexico, Mazatlan (ANSP-CA3741) (dried specimen, color faded) (photos by Paul Callomon, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia).
Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus), Florida, U.S.A. (18 August 2006)
Common Shore Amphipoda.
Hapalopoda investigator, A. Milne Edwards. Crustace voisin des Penees, vivant a 1900 metres de profonduer et ayant ses deux dernieres paires de pattes transformees en organes de tact
Ovalipes ocellatus, the lady-crab.
Ucides cordatus.
Uca tangeri.
Astacus klamathensis Stimpson. Male. Portland, Or. Both of the chelipeds are secont growths, the left the older.
Geryon tridens, Krover, Young.
Epimeria loricata. Off Head Harbor, Maine.
Ronald Vonk, Bert W. Hoeksema, Damia Jaume
Figure 3.Psammogammarus wallacei sp. n., male holotype. A left mandible B right mandible C maxillule D maxilla E maxilliped, posterior F inset of distal segments of palp of latter, anterior.
Kristine N. White, James Davis Reimer
Figure 8.Leucothoe nathani sp. n., holotype male, 4.8 mm, RUMF-ZC-1663; paratype female, 6.3 mm, RUMF-ZC-1664.
Stella Gomes Rodrigues, Alessandra Angélica de Pádua Bueno, Rodrigo Lopes Ferreira
Figure 3. Hyalella imbya sp. n. Rodrigues and Bueno (male paratype, UFLA 0187). A peraeopod 3 B peraeopod 4 C peraeopod 5 D peraeopod 6 E peraeopod 7. Scale bars equals 200 µm for A–E.
Tomislav Karanovic, Mark J. Grygier, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 6.Diacyclops ishidai sp. n., allotype male: A cephalothorax, dorsal view B cephalothoracic shield and pleurons of free prosomites, lateral view. Arabic numerals numbering sensilla and pores consecutively from anterior to posterior end of body, and from dorsal to ventral side (excluding appendages). Scale bar 100 μm.
Terue C. Kihara, Carlos E. F. Rocha
Figures 18–20.Clausidium rodriguesi sp. n. Female: 18 P4, anterior 19 P5, anterior. Male: 20 habitus, dorsal. Scale bars: 18 = 20 μm; 19 = 50 μm; 20 = 100 μm.
Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny, Ali M. Al-Aidaroos
Figure 6.Macandrewella cochinensis male from the northern Red Sea. A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, lateral view C urosome, dorsal view D first and second urosomal segment, lateral view (right) E left antennule F maxilliped, terminal endopod segments G Exopod segment 3 of leg 2 H left leg 5 I terminal portion of left exopodal of leg 5 J terminal portion of left endopod of leg 5 K right leg 5. All scale bars in mm.
Juan M. Fuentes-Reinés, Eduardo Suárez-Morales
Figure 1.Nitokra affinis colombiensis ssp. n., from northern Colombia. A adult female, habitus, lateral view B adult male, habitus, lateral view C female, anal somite showing ornamentation of anal operculum D male, urosome, ventral view E male, third urosomite, ventral view F male, caudal rami, ventral view. Scale bars: A, B = 100 μm, C, E, F = 10 μm, D = 50 μm.