provided by Arctic Ocean Biodiversity 2011
An undescribed species of deep-water ctenophore with a dark stomach
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- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Arctic Ocean Diversity
Trophic Strategy
provided by Arctic Ocean Biodiversity 2011
Food is captured on the sticky tentacles; Diet unknown
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Arctic Ocean Diversity
provided by Arctic Ocean Biodiversity 2011
Found below 1000m (bathypelagic); Often feeds within severl meters of seafloor, but also observed more then 100m off the seafloorupto Panarctic, mostly in surface waters but down to 500 m; There may be 2 separate species (one near-bottom, on e higher in water column); Likely present throughout the Arctic's deep basins
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Arctic Ocean Diversity
Comprehensive Description
provided by Arctic Ocean Biodiversity 2011
Transparent, with chocholate brown lips and lining of the stomach; Body shape oblong to spherical; Tentacles with number long side branches (tentilla); Deployed tentacles 10-30 times body length; Specimen disintegrates in preservatives
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Arctic Ocean Diversity