Category hierarchy: Biomes | Water & Wetlands | Inland WatersDescription: American coots foraging in water at the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge.Capture device: Camera: Nikon D200Capture details: Lens: Zoom Nikkor 80-400mmOriginal date: 20070200Locality: Latitude: 2.766480000000000e+001; Longitude: -8.151580000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Biomes | Water & Wetlands | Inland WatersDescription: American coots foraging in water at the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge.Capture device: Camera: Nikon D200Capture details: Lens: Zoom Nikkor 80-400mmOriginal date: 20070200Locality: Latitude: 2.766480000000000e+001; Longitude: -8.151580000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Management | Parks & Protected Areas | Nature ReservesDescription: American Coots swimmingOriginal date: 20040100Locality: Latitude: 3.497270000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.050320000000000e+002
Category hierarchy: Management | Parks & Protected Areas | Nature ReservesDescription: American Coot on the waterOriginal date: 20040100Locality: Latitude: 3.497270000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.050320000000000e+002
Category hierarchy: Management | Parks & Protected Areas | Nature ReservesDescription: American Coots swimmingOriginal date: 20040100Locality: Latitude: 3.497270000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.050320000000000e+002
Category hierarchy: Management | Parks & Protected Areas | Nature ReservesDescription: American coots at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Individuals shown have black feathers, red eyes, and a white bill.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS digital Rebel XTICapture details: Lens: Cannon zoom EF 75-300 mm.Original date: 20080129Locality: Latitude: 2.826390000000000e+001; Longitude: -8.072140000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Management | Parks & Protected Areas | Nature ReservesDescription: American coots at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Individuals shown have black feathers, red eyes, and a white bill.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS digital Rebel XTICapture details: Lens: Cannon zoom EF 75-300 mm.Original date: 20080129Locality: Latitude: 2.826390000000000e+001; Longitude: -8.072140000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Management | Parks & Protected Areas | Nature ReservesDescription: American coots at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Individuals shown have black feathers, red eyes, and a white bill.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS digital Rebel XTICapture details: Lens: Cannon zoom EF 75-300 mm.Original date: 20080129Locality: Latitude: 2.826390000000000e+001; Longitude: -8.072140000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Animals | BirdsDescription: American coot perched on a rock.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS Elan IICapture details: Film: Fuji Provia 100FOriginal date: 20050400Locality: Latitude: 4.055120000000000e+001; Longitude: -8.560240000000000e+001
American Coot swimming. 24 February 2008.
An altercation among adults escalates to include the young as well. Recorded at Dyson Lane in Sierra Nevada Valley in California on June 17, 2100 11:30 am with a Fostex FR-2 and Sennheiser ME66 shotgun mic.
(taxonomy:binomial="Fulica americana")
Coots and Common Moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) have family squabbles - this one is between siblings in a small family with the parents interceding.
American Coots (Fulica americana) are common lake and marsh birds. Like their cousin, the Moorhen, Coots make a wide range of sounds, from quacks and honks to whistles and rattles. This sample spans several individuals' different vocalizations, and gives a feel for the sounds a Coot can make. Coots and Moorhens make some sounds which are indistinguishable from each other, but Coots are generally more nasal sounding and make more "honking" sounds.
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Sutro Heights--Baths / Land's End
Lake Merced