"Teenage" Great-Tails hassle their parents in this 89K clip. Adolescent birds of many species make similar attention-getting noise while with their parents.
This Great-Tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) gave me a little concert in my front yard [Arizona]. Grackles have an extremely wide range of vocalizations, many are quite human in sound.
These are Great-tailed Grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus). Here is a sample of that great grackle tradition - the telling of the day's events! Each evening, as they go to roost, each one must tell the rest what his day held - and they must all do this at one time! These are roosting just outside Atenas (Costa Rica).
Description: Français : Sifflement de quiscale lugubris English: hissing quiscalus lugubris. Date: 30 November 2021. Source: Own work. Author: Filo gèn'.