Description: English: Glowing Puffleg (Eriocnemis vestita) hummingbird at Guango Lodge in Ecuador. Date: 30 November 2009. Source: Own work. Author: Keith Bowers.
Description: This was a fairly common visitor to the feeders along the trail, but not as common as Sapphire-vented Puffleg and a few others. Fantastic bird! Yanacocha, Ecuador. 3/8/2007. Date: 8 March 2007, 09:01. Source: Golden-breasted Puffleg. Author: Michael Woodruff from Spokane, Washington, USA.
Description: English: Sapphire-vented Puffleg photo taken at Yanacocha Reserve (west slope), Ecuador. Date: 8 December 2010, 08:54:12. Source: Own work. Author: Joseph C Boone.
Description: English: Drawer of Eriocnemis study skins. Swedish Museum of Natural History - Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet,Stockholm. Date: June 2009. Source: Own work. Author: Notafly.