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Although very little is actually known about its breeding behaviour, the Malaysian peacock-pheasant is thought to have a polygamous mating system (5). At least some males in a population clear leaf litter from small areas of the forest floor and then call loudly from nearby. These 'display scrapes' are made in particular parts of the forest (6). Displaying males perform an elaborate and ritualised display (7). This species is unusual in laying just one, very large egg, which is then incubated for 22 to 23 days (4). In captivity, young males have been recorded acquiring their plumage after six days and being able to fly after 23 (5). Diet is not fully understood, but is believed to consist of invertebrates, such as snails and insects, and possibly seeds (5).
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Populations of the Malaysian peacock-pheasant occur in at least two protected areas in Malaysia - the Taman Negara and Krau Wildlife Reserve - and further populations have been reported at Sungai Dusun Wildlife Reserve (8). A number of forest reserves that do not officially qualify as protected areas under wildlife legislation also contain populations of this bird, including Pasoh (8). Although captive breeding projects have been successful, the low reproductive rate of the Malaysian peacock-pheasant makes it difficult to raise large numbers in captivity (4). Nevertheless, the Malaysian Department of Wildlife and National Parks, aided by the World Pheasant Association, is currently using captive stock in a reintroduction project to bolster numbers in the wild (10).
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The plumage is a warm brown colour with distinctive green ocelli (eyelike spots of colour) on the mantle and wings (2) (4). Displaying males raise their crown feathers to form an impressive crest of long feathers (2). Males can be distinguished from other Polyplectron species by a combination of the base colour of the plumage, the presence of buff coloured rings surrounding each ocelli, their orange facial skin and their crest (4). Females possess only a very short crest, are smaller, darker and shorter tailed than males, and have a yellower facial skin (2).
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Found on level or gently sloping ground in tall primary and secondary lowland forest, usually from just 15 to 80 m and never above 300 m (2).
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Found in the Malay Peninsula possibly including extreme southern Thailand (2). Reports of this bird's occurrence in Sumatra have been refuted (2) and so it might actually be restricted to Peninsular Malaysia.
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Classified as Vulnerable (VU A2c+3c; C1) on the IUCN Red List 2006 (1), and listed on Appendix II of CITES (3).
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Lowland forest clearance and modification for cultivation (rubber and palm oil plantations especially) pose the primary threats to the Malaysian peacock-pheasant (8). 75 percent of suitable habitat that was available prior to 1970 has been lost (9). This pheasant has consequently suffered a rapid population decline, and its small remaining population is becoming increasingly fragmented with the progressive erosion of its specialised lowland forest habitat (1). Hunting for food, sport and the bird trade is thought to have contributed to this pheasant's probable extinction in Thailand, but there is no evidence that this is a particularly sought after species in Malaysia (8).