Mt Austen, Guadalcanal
2 km N Gizo, Ghizo, Western Province
2 km N Gizo, Ghizo, Western Province
Cassowary House, Kuranda, Queensland, Australia
Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi
Batanta Island, Papua Barat
Finch Hatton Gorge (near Finch Hatton), Mackay Regional, Queensland
Black Mountain Road, Kuranda
Black Mountain Road, Kuranda
Kaitare'ei, Kunua District, Autonomous Region of Bougainville
Kaitare'ei, Kunua District, Autonomous Region of Bougainville
Upper Nena River, West Sepik Province
Usage headwaters, West Sepik Province
Near Idam village, West Sepik Province
Iron Range National Park (near Lockhart), Queensland
Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park (CYPAL) (near Lockhart), Cook Shire, Queensland
Lockhart River, Cook Shire, Queensland
Port Vato to Ash Plain trek, Ambrym, Malampa Province
Nusemetu conservation area
Bobby's Farm, Nabogiono, Waiyevo, Taveuni
Bobby's Farm, Nabogiono, Waiyevo, Taveuni
Cakaudrove, Northern Division
Huaulu, Seram, Maluku