IZ 1151429 specimen, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151619 specimen view, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
Wet specimen. Ventral view.
Wet specimen. Lateral view.
Wet specimen. Dorsal view.
IZ 1151621 detail view of eggs, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151435 specimen, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151381 ventral view, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151620 dorsal view, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151621 ventral view, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151621 lateral view, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151620 lateral view, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151381 closeup of eggs, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151438 specimen, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
IZ 1151381 lateral view, recently defrosted specimen photographed prior to preservation
Thaumastocheles zaleucus (Thomson, 1873) (USNM 1068658) dorsal view Scale: 5 cm
Thaumastocheles zaleucus (Thomson, 1873) (USNM 1068658) lateral view Scale: 5 cm
The close up ventral view of a Florida Lobsterette's face and claws. Scale 5 cm.
The close up view of a Florida Lobsterette's face showing the rostrum and antenna. Scale 15 cm.
The dorsal view of a deep sea Florida Lobsterette. Scale 10 cm.
The side view of a Florida Lobsterette. Scale 12 cm.
The ventral view of a Florida Lobsterette. Scale 13 cm.
IZ CRT 102241 ventral view scale: 10 cm alcohol portion only, carapace and claws stored dry intersex (gynandromorph) specimen showing both male and female characteristics
NMNH Photo Service Archive Negative Number 2008-481, block number 10817488, on CD NHB08-0007. Two other copies are on this CD. 1. 10"x5", 300 dpi, 26.6 MB TIF; 2. 35"x18", 192 dpi, 131 MB TIF. see supplementary images