

provided by World Register of Marine Species
Mariametroidea with some or all cirrals with aboral transverse ridge or transverse row of 2-3 tubercles or spines; distal (rarely all) spines may be single. Centrodorsal in some genera with adoral radiating furrows or ridges. Radial articular facet steep, separated interradially; interarticular ligament fossae moderate and triangular to large and high, usually separated by wide, shallow midradial furrow. Adoral muscle fossae vestigial to low, slightly curved along adoral margin. Arms 10 to >80. Brachitaxes of 2 or 4 brachials (syzygy at 3+4); proximal brachials sometimes with lateral processes. One or more proximal pinnules, usually first interior pinnule, may be absent. Few genera with pinnulars broadened over gonads.
WoRMS Editorial Board
Charles Messing [email]