Tiger Rattlesnake (Crotalus tigris)
Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Arizona, United States
Arizona, United States
Linne's Masked Watersnake inhabits the Indonesian Archipelago and adjacent mainland tropical Asia.
A nice 3 foot Rattler in the Wasatch. He was a pleasant snake,didn't even strike at me,just kindly rattled at me from the side of the trail to let me know he was there and didn't want to get stepped on. Can't blame him for that,and I really didn't want to step on him either,especially since I was wearing sandals.
A nice 3 foot Rattler in the Wasatch. He was a pleasant snake,didn't even strike at me,just kindly rattled at me from the side of the trail to let me know he was there and didn't want to get stepped on. Can't blame him for that,and I really didn't want to step on him either,especially since I was wearing sandals.
Andasibe, Alaotra Mangoro, Madagascar
Andasibe, Alaotra Mangoro, Madagascar
Andasibe, Alaotra Mangoro, Madagascar
Andasibe, Alaotra Mangoro, Madagascar
Sarawak, Malaysia
Mulu Airport, Sarawak, Malaysia
Kampung Serana, Pahang, Malaysia
Kampung Serana, Pahang, Malaysia
Kampung Serana, Pahang, Malaysia
Kampung Serana, Pahang, Malaysia
Mulu Airport, Sarawak, Malaysia
A Grey (or Red) tailed Racer sleeps beside the Kinabatangan River, eastern Sabah, Borneo. It is also called a Rat Snake although said to eat mainly birds.
Spitzkopfnatter (Gonyosoma oxycephalum)Ungiftige bis zu 2 Meter lange Baumbewohnerin aus Sdostasien.
Sarawak, Malaysia
Mulu Airport, Sarawak, Malaysia