Gobius schlegeii.
Gnatholepis deltoides (Seale).
Broad-Finned Goby. Gobius biocellatus
Paragobiodon echinocephalus, Ruppell. A young specimen 23 1/2 mm. long, from Masthead Island, Queensland
Gnatholepis calliurus.
Dormitator maculatus (Bloch).
Gobiosoma bosci : Egg 48 hours after fertilization.
Mud-skippy, Periophthalmus barbarus (L.). Mouth of Vaisigono River, Apia, Samoa.
Hetereleotris phaenna Jordan & Seale, new species. Type.
Periophthalmus Climbing a Tree.
Eleotris sandwicensis Vaillant & Sauvage.
Aboma etheostoma.
Mogurnda adspersa.
Spotted Goby. Dormitator maculatus.
Gobiosoma bosci : Mature unfertilized egg.
Periophthalmus barbarus Linnaeus.
Butis leucurus.
Gnatholepis thompsoni. Type.
Darter Goby, Aboma etheostoma Jordan. Mazatlan, Mex..
Cerdale ionthas Jordan & Gilbert. Panama.
Guavina mapo, Dormitator maculatus (Schneider). Puerto Rico.
Gobiosoma bosci : Egg 60 hours after fertilization.
Periophthalmus koelreuteri, Pallas, var. argentilineatus, Cuvier and Valenciennes. A specimen 90 mm. long from Sydney Island, King Sound, North-western Australia
Gobius lentiginosus, from New Zealand.