Diagnostic Description
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Can be differentiated from all members of the genus, except Cathorops aguadulce, by having fleshy papillae intercalated with gill rakers on first two gill arches; 14-16 gill rakers on first arch, and body width 17.7-19.7% SL. Additional diagnostic characters include snout length 6.0-8.6% SL; distance from tip of snout to dorsal-fin origin 33.1-38.0% SL; distance from tip of snout to pelvic-fin origin 50.4-52.6% SL; distance between anterior nostrils 3.2-4.5% SL; distance between posterior nostrils 4.1-5.3% SL; orbital diameter 4.6-6.6% SL; interorbital distance 8.9-12.3% SL; dorsal-fin spine length 19.3-24.9% SL; mouth width 8.1-10.0% SL; premaxilla width 4.3-5.4% SL: caudal-fin lower lobe length 29.2-34.3% SL; supraoccipital process width at posterior portion 1.9-2.6%SL; length of accessory tooth plates 1.3-2.5% SL; width of cephalic shield at supracleithrum area 15.3-17.3% SL; and caudal peduncle height 6.6-8.0% SL (Ref. 75004).
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Dorsal soft rays (total): 7; Analsoft rays: 20 - 24
provided by Fishbase
Occurs mainly in freshwaters, but also present in areas with high salinity (Ref. 75004).