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Harpalyce formosa var. goldmanii (Rose) Arroyo

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Harpalyce goldmanii Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat
Herb. 8:313. 1905.
? Harpalyce macrobolrya Harms; Loesener, Abh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brand. 51: 22. 1909.
A shrub; branches when young densely ferruginous-villous, almost velutinous, in age light-gray with white lenticels; stipules linear-filiform, caducous; leaves about 1 dm. long; petiole 1-5.3 cm. long, as well as the rachis densely ferruginous; leaflets 11-19, oblong, rounded or obtuse at each end, 2-3 cm. long, about 1 cm. wide, dark and puberulent but soon glabrate above, densely ferruginous beneath, with strong midrib beneath but the veins faint; panicle 1-1.5 dm. long, densely flowered, densely fenuginous-villous; calyx-lips somewhat unequal, the upper 16 mm., the lower 20 mm. long; corolla purple or red, 20-24 mm. long; banner
obovate, slightly longer than the other petals; ovary and pod glabrous; mature pod unknown.
Type locality: Canjob, Chiapas. Distribution, Chiapas.
bibliographic citation
Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora