growing at base of steep south face of deep roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
on grassy stabilized sandy soil of back dune plain, with Jourea pilosa, Tephrosia vicioides, Euphorbia leucophylla, Dyssodia speciosa, Boerhaavia xanti
rare herbaceous plant adventive in landscape planter. Most if not all of the few records for this somewhat weedy, herbaceous tropical species, north of Navojoa and tropical deciduous thorn scrub in Sonora, seem associated with urban areas (only 2 found from the San Carlos area, 3 near Hermosillo), suggesting possible wild introduction via local garden use.
on grassy stabilized sandy soil of back dune plain, with Jourea pilosa, Tephrosia vicioides, Euphorbia leucophylla, Dyssodia speciosa, Boerhaavia xanti
in shrub thicket on sandy, igneous, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain.
on grassy stabilized sandy soil of back dune plain, with Jourea pilosa, Tephrosia vicioides, Euphorbia leucophylla, Dyssodia speciosa, Boerhaavia xanti
on grassy stabilized sandy soil of back dune plain, with Jourea pilosa, Tephrosia vicioides, Euphorbia leucophylla, Dyssodia speciosa, Boerhaavia xanti
Plant on fine,silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
Plant on fine,silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
Plant on fine,silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
Plant on fine,silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
Plant on fine,silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
Plant on fine,silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
Plant on fine,silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
Habit view. Plant on fine,silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
on gravelly, coarse granitic soil, lower slope below transmission tower topping small exposed igneous hill on NW side of town.
on gravelly, coarse granitic soil, lower slope below transmission tower topping small exposed igneous hill on NW side of town.
on sandy reddish volcanic soil of a gently sloping coastal plain 1/2 mile from shoreline
on sandy reddish volcanic soil of a gently sloping coastal plain 1/2 mile from shoreline
on sandy reddish volcanic soil of a gently sloping coastal plain 1/2 mile from shoreline
on sandy reddish volcanic soil of a gently sloping coastal plain 1/2 mile from shoreline