Description: Nederlands: Roodkopwinteruil (Conistra erythrocephala) Magyar: A vörösfejű őszibagoly (Conistra erythrocephala) a rovarok (Insecta) osztályának a lepkék (Lepidoptera) rendjéhez, ezen belül a bagolylepkefélék (Noctuidae) családjához tartozó faj. Date: 24 March 2012. Source: Nieuw. Author: Dieder Plu. Permission (Reusing this file): : This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.:. CC BY-SA 3.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 truetrue. : This image, which was originally posted to Picasa Web Albums, was reviewed on 2 April 2012 by the administrator or reviewerGinés90, who confirmed that it was available on Picasa Web Albums under the above license on that date.
Description: Deutsch: Rotkopf-Wintereule (Conistra erythrocephala) am 14. Oktober 2020 in der Schwetzinger Hardt. Date: 14 October 2020. Source: Own work. Author: Slimguy.