2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. 10 mi. south southeast of Seven Lakes Hill. Typical Juniper Sage, Juniperusosteosperma (=Juniperus californica utahensis)--Artemisia tridentata formation., T 23 N R 19 E Sec 8, Elevation 5800 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 13.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Destruction of Big Pine Meadow in progress. Pinon type at right. Note Jeffrey pine. Sagebrush consists of Chrysothamnus sp. and Artemisia tridentata., T 23 S R 36 E Sec 10 Quad name: Kernville. Quad number: 125. Reference to map: 10.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking NW. Pinon burn. Present cover Eriogonum baileyi and deflexum with occasional bush lupine, Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii) seedlings, Fremontodendron californicum (=Fremontii californica), Purshia tridentata, Artemisia tridentata and Ericameria nauseosa (=Chrysothamnus nauseosus). Tulare County., T 23 S R 36 E Sec 24 Quad name: Kernville. Quad number: 125. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Another view showing burned and unburned areas. Burned area: Eriogonum baileyi and deflexum with occasional thistle poppy, Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii) seedlings, and Ephedra sprouts. Unburned area: Pinon pine-Artemisia tridentata, Ephedra sp., Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii)., T 23 S R 37 E Sec 31 Quad name: Kernville. Quad number: 125. Reference to map: 4.
voucher #21401 low shrubs to 3 dm tall; an exact match for the holotype (Beetle 12631 RM) in leaf dissection, leaf morphogenesis in inflorescence, stature; not longiloba as not early flowering; not A. tripartita, which has a different inflorescence leaf morphogenesis.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. Juniperusosteosperma (=Juniperus californica utahensis) and Artemisia tridentata in typical Juniper sage type at Red Rock., T 24 N R 18 E Sec 32, Elevation 4600 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 16.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. Looking northeast from ridge west of Hardscrabble Creek at Potash outcrop in right center of photo. Artemisia tridentata dominant on that formation. Pyramid Lake in background., T 24 N R 21 E Sec 16, Elevation 4000 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 12.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. 5 miles east of Tule Peak. Erosion scar on steep Rhyolitic slope in sagetype. Dominant species in vicinity is Artemisia tridentata., T 24 N R 21 E Sec 5, Elevation 4500 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 11.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Tulare County. Views showing type change in pinon-sagebrush types a result of burn. Burn area in foreground covered by Eriogonum baileyi and deflexum with occasional thistle sage and sprouts of Purshia tridentata. Pinon, Chrysothamnus sp. and Artemisia tridentata has been eliminated as a result of fire., T 24 S R 37 E Sec 6 Quad name: Kernville. Quad number: 125. Reference to map: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Tulare County. Views showing type change in pinon-sagebrush types a result of burn. Burned area in foreground covered by Eriogonum baileyi and deflexum with occasional thistle sage and sprouts of Purshia tridentata. Pinon, Chrysothamnus sp. and Artemisia tridentata has been eliminated a result of fire., T 24 S R 37 E Sec 6 Quad name: Kernville. Quad number: 125. Reference to map: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Tulare County. Looking south toward Chimney Meadows. Sagebrush type of Artemisia tridentata and Chrysothamnus spp. Note also pinon and Jeffrey pine types., T 24 S R 37 E Sec 8 Quad name: Kernville. Quad number: 125. Reference to map: 2.
Ann Howald brought this taxon to my attention. After studying this region for decades, Ann started paying attention to what looks a lot like Artemisia tridentata, and hence easily passed over. In the TJM2 key, this taxon keys out next to A. tridentate at the end of the Artemisia key. Ostensibly the key break is 'Leaves entire to irregularly 36-toothed, partly deciduous; plant sprouting from roots; moist slopes, rocky meadows, High Sierra Nevada, White and Inyo Mountains > 2000 m.'
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Tulare County. Looking southwest. Shows pinon and sagebrush type. Some Digger pine in association with pinon sagebrush type: Purshia glandulosa, Artemisia tridentata, Eriogonum fasciculatum. Occasional Ephedra sp., Chrysothamnus sp., Stenotopsis sp., Senecio sp., T 26 S R 37 E Sec 18 Quad name: Kernville. Quad number: 125. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Shows encroachment of Ponderosa pine on sagebrush type (Artemisia tridentata) adjacent McKenzie Meadows near Coppervale R.S., T 29 N R 10 E Sec 20 Quad name: Susanville. Quad number: 35.