long stemmed, erect shrubby perennials on sandy to silty clayish margin of intermittent ponding playa area divided by highway. Leaves small, to 2 cm. long, canescent, revolute. Plants with Grindelia oxylepis, Conyza coulteri.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
South end of Holcomb Valley. Old growth Jeffrey pine stand, with reproduction in openings. Assoc. species: Artemisia tridentata. San Bernardino County., T 3 N R 1 E Sec 6 Quad name: San Gorgonio. Quad number: 165.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
1 mile suth of Black Ridge Lookout. Young growth-old growth (13) stand of Ponderosa pine- Jeffrey pine. Artemisia tridentata in foreground. Lassen County., T 34 N R 7 E Sec 10 Quad name: Halls Flat. Quad number: 21.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
1 mile northwest of Black Ridge Lookout. Sierra juniper, illustarting " other conifers" classified in aerial photos. Assoc. spp.: Artemisia tridentata, Bromus tectorum. Lassen County., T 35 N R 7 E Sec 33 Quad name: Halls Flat. Quad number: 21.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
1 mile northwest of Black Ridge Lookout. Sierra juniper, illustrating " other conifers" classified in aerial photos. Assoc spp.: Artemisia tridentata, Bromus tectorum, T 35 N R 7 E Sec 33 Quad name: Halls Flat. Quad number: 21.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Across Pit River from Pitville (east side of Blacks Mountain road). "Other conifers"-shrub herb type of Sierra Juniper, Artemisia tridentata and grass (Bromus tectorum). Assoc. sp. Purshia tridentata., T 37 N R 6 E Sec 18 Quad name: Bieber. Quad number: 16.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama of Timber Mountain looking south from southwest quarter of Sec. 16. Site IV Ponderosa pine type. Foreground sagebrush type of Artemisia tridentata., T 44 N R 6 E Sec 16 Quad name: Steele Swamp. Quad number: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
1/2 mile west of Ozena, looking south across Cuyama Wash. Sagebrush in wash are: Artemisia tridentata, Chrysothamnus sp.. Chaparral on slopes: Quercus dumosa, Cercocarpus betulaefolius, Juniperus californica. Note bigcone spruce on eroded slopes., T 7 N R 23 W Sec 19 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Jeffrey pine type. Ground cover: Artemisia tridentata, Symphoricarpos sp., Lupinus sp.; large Jeffrey pine at left 54.5 inches in DBH and 100 ft. in height., T 8 N R 20 W Sec 16 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 16.
Cultivar canescens
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Jeffery pine type characteristic of west slope of Frazier Mt. Understory shrubs: Artemisia tridentata, Quercus dumosa, Cercocarpus betulaefolius, Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii), Eriogonum fasciculatum., T 8 N R 20 W Sec 17 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 15.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Jeffrey pine type characteristic of west slope of Frazier Mt. Understory shrubs: Artemisia tridentata, Quercus dumosa, Cercocarpus betulaefolius, Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii), Eriogonum fasciculatum., T 8 N R 20 W Sec 17 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 15.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Jeffrey pine type characteristic of west slope of Frazier Mt. Understory shrubs: Artemisia tridentata, Quercus dumosa, Cercocarpus betulaefolius, Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii), Eriogonum fasciculatum., T 8 N R 20 W Sec 17 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 15.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking SW across Bitter Creek. Jeffrey pine type on southerly slopes of Mt. Pinos. Tree at extreme right measured 43.4 in DBH and 139 ft. high. Sparse ground cover Quercus wislizeni, Artemisia tridentata, Fremontodendron californicum (=Fremontii californica), Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii), occasional Quercus kelloggii. Ventura Co., T 8 N R 21 W Sec 8 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 17.
The finely and deeply lobed leaves of this shrub seem quite distinctive for an Artemisia. This plant will key in tjm2 to arb. long. if flowers per head #is 3 to 6 and involucre 23 mm diam. In the field some heads appeared to have more than 6 flowers. An intersting fact is that there appear to be only a few collections of this taxon from California. One of three in the CA Consortium is from Castle Peak made by Nick Jensen. Troubling is the FNA description 'usually in clay soils; flower- ing early spring' and FNA distribution map indicates no Nevada collections.