Elevation 8,800 ft. Keyed to E. pauciflora which is now a synonym for Eleocharis quinqueflora.
Collected by Carl V. Meyer # 390
collected by Lowell Ahart #8501
Collected by Steve Matson # 806 on 15 June 2003
Elevation 8,800 ft.
at hill side spring
Collected by Steve Matson # 806 on 15 June 2003
Specimen collected by Steve Matson #1693. Elevation 8,800 ft. Keyed to E. pauciflora which is now a synonym for Eleocharis quinqueflora.
at hill side spring
Collected by Steve Matson # 806 on 15 June 2003
Specimen collected by Steve Matson #1693. Elevation 8,800 ft. Keyed to E. pauciflora which is now a synonym for Eleocharis quinqueflora. See Jepson manual treatmant in Jepson Interchange. http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/get_cpn.pl?Eleocharis+quinqueflora&expand=1
at hill side spring
Collected by Steve Matson # 806 on 15 June 2003
growing in 2-4 inches of water where power line road crosses Rossi ditch (diversion from Big Pine Creek).
Specimen collected by Steve Matson #1693. Elevation 8,800 ft. Keyed to E. pauciflora which is now a synonym for Eleocharis quinqueflora. See Jepson manual treatmant in Jepson Interchange. http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/get_cpn.pl?Eleocharis+quinqueflora&expand=1
Collected by Steve Matson # 806 on 15 June 2003