This is a quite small tintinnid species found in the Mediterranean Sea and elswhere. This image was compiled from several micrographs using Helicon software.
Tintinnid species
Figure from Ostenfeld's 1899 description with dimensions shown as given in the text. Described by Ostenfeld as "Tintinnus urceolatus".
Lugol's-fixed specimen
Figure from Jorgensen 1924 (Fig. 25) of Amphorella urceolata designated as Craterella acuta by Kofoid & Campbell 1929. Later the genus Craterella was re-named Ascampbellliella as the name Craterella was occupied previously. Dimensions from the text of Jorgensen (1924).
Figure 369 from Kofoid & Campbell 1929, described as Craterella protuberans, now known as Ascampbellellia protuberans
Figure from the species description in Hada 1935 (Fig. 3). Dimensions from the text; found in waters off Java.
Figure from the species description in Jorgensen 1924 (Fig. 24); dimensions from text.
Specimen from sample taken on October 16 2016
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in winter 2003.
A conjugating pair of Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchi Sea in 2012. Z stack of images made with a 60x objective, DIC optics, lugol's preserved specimens.