FRom the Biosope Cruise in the South Pacific.
Laackmann (1910) originally described Amplectella tricollaria as Undella tricollaria. Figure from Plate 49. Kofoid & Campbell (1929) moved it to Undellopsis and Balech (1975) placed it in Amplectella where it presently resides.
Proplectella fastigata- Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Ionian Sea.
Proplectella subacuta- Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche (43°41’10’’ N, 7°19’00’’ E) in Feb 2003.
Specimen from the California Current Ecosystem
Specimen from the East Medit in June 2008
Specimen from the Ionian Sea
Specimen from the tropical Pacific.
First depicted in the species description in Kofoid & Campbell 1929 and described again in Kofoid & Campbell 1939.
Undella (un-dell-a) is a tintinnid ciliate, in which the ciliate lives in a lorica. Species of Undella have a simple lorica, no adhering material, pedicels etc. The cell has contracted into the lorica, but the cilia of the adoral zone of membranelles are evident. Phase contrast.