A pubescent herbaceous plant with much-branched, procumbent to ascending, angular stems, densely clothed with short tomentellous hairs and long white setae. Basal leaves are oblong-lanceolate, entire or crisped, while upper leaves are shorter, oblong-linear and sessile. Inflorescence is terminal, simple or forked, dense, becoming lax and elongate in fruit. Bracts are narrowly ovate, the calyx lobes are linear-lanceolate, densely covered with setulose hairs, and corolla is deep blue, glabrous outside. Fruit is a nutlet, obliquely ovoid, reticulate-tuberculate, with abruptly, strongly curved apex.
Mareotic Sector, Galala Desert
Mediterranean region
Coastal calcareous and sandy orchards, roadsides
Height: 10-40 cm